Thrombocytopenia - treatment

Thrombocytopenia is a disease that is accompanied by a decrease in platelets in the blood. These cells are responsible for clotting, so the main syndrome of this ailment is bleeding. Treatment of thrombocytopenia is not an easy process, since it is necessary to treat either the disease itself, or the ailment to which this condition accompanies.

Drug treatment of thrombocytopenia

Before starting treatment with drug, autoimmune or other thrombocytopenia, its secondary form should be deleted, since in this case all therapy will consist in eliminating the underlying disease. Treat thrombocytopenia in an acute period only in a hospital. Strict bed rest should be prescribed to a patient before reaching a platelet level of 150 thousand in μl. At the first stage, corticosteroids are prescribed for the treatment of thrombocytopenia. Take them need up to 3 months. In some cases, removal of the spleen , administration of glucocorticoids and immunoglobulin may be required. At the second stage of treatment of thrombocytopenia, the patient must take Prednisolone and conduct a therapeutic plasmapheresis.

Intravenous platelet infusions are generally avoided, especially if immune thrombocytopenia is diagnosed. This can aggravate the course of the disease. Also under the ban for the patient are drugs that disrupt the aggregation ability of blood cells. These include:

When treating thrombocytopenia, you need to follow a special diet. Do not use allergenic products, saturate the diet with B vitamins, vitamin K and folic acid. This will improve the process of blood clotting and will not allow relapse of the disease.

Treatment of thrombocytopenia by folk methods

In the treatment of thrombocytopenia folk remedies can be helped by the usual infusion of verbena. To make it, you need:

  1. Pour 5 grams of verbena 250 ml of boiling water.
  2. Insist the mixture for half an hour.

Such a medicine should be drunk 30 days a month for 200 g per day.

A very good remedy for thrombocytopenia is sesame oil. It is able to regulate the level of platelets and significantly accelerate the process of clotting. It must be eaten every day for 10 g.

Treatment of thrombocytopenia after chemotherapy can be done with a decoction of nettle dioecious . To cook it, boil 10 grams of dry herbs, filled with 250 ml of water for 10 minutes. Take this drug three times a day for 20 ml.