Fighting with a bear - the most effective methods

If lovingly planted plantations began to die and die on the vine, it is likely that the site was settled by a bear. Hostess in the garden, this uninvited guest violates the root system of plants, which leads to their imminent death. Fighting against a bear requires a systematic approach and perseverance.

What does the bear look like?

To effectively fight for the well-being of the garden, it is just necessary to know the enemy in person. So let's figure out how the ordinary bear looks at different stages of its development:

  1. Imago or adult specimen of the bear is an orthopteran insect of brown color with a body length of 5 to 8 cm. It looks like a tiny cancer. In case of danger, it is capable of drawing under the armor a head equipped with strong jaws of gnawing type. In the upper part of the cephalothorax there is a pair of powerful digging legs - with their help the bear travels underground, moving from one plant to another.
  2. The larva of the bear is similar to the adult, but is inferior in size to it - the length of the body depends on the phase of development and ranges from 1.5 to 3.5 cm. In addition, it has no wings - they appear only after 5-6 molts.
  3. Eggs of the bear. For the successful birth of larvae, a warm and humid environment is needed. Therefore, the bear, which itself lives at a depth of about 1 meter, clutch arrange as close to the surface of the soil. The masonry looks like an earthen sack filled with small light brown eggs. Their number in one masonry can reach 500 pieces.

What does the bear do?

The activity of this pest directly depends on the ambient temperature - the peak of spring activity occurs in May, when the soil at a depth of 20-30 cm is heated to a temperature of 12-15 ° C. At this time, adults and larvae rise to the surface of the soil and literally demolish everything on their way in search of food. Moving at night, the bear is capable of overcoming considerable distances, not only under the ground but also on its surface.

The honey bear is an omnivorous pest, it is served both by living parts of plants and by small insects. Only the newly born larvae feed on rotted organic matter, and then switch to a fresh vegetable diet. Paving the walks, the bear breaks the root system of plants, often completely turning them out of the ground. The most affected are flower and herbaceous crops, young shrubs and root crops.

Signs of a bear

Suddenly absolutely healthy plants dying for no reason, characteristic winding "paths" and holes with a diameter of 1-1.5 cm on the surface of the soil - all these signs indicate that an undesirable tenant appeared on the site - a vegetable bear. It is not necessary to count on peaceful coexistence with it, so we should start fighting the bear as soon as possible.

Medvedka - methods of struggle

Discovered on his site gardener trucker should be prepared for a long and systematic "military" actions. No, even the most active struggle against the bear in the spring will not be crowned with victory unless it is backed up by competent actions in the summer and autumn periods. Destruction of this pest should be directed to all phases of its development, beginning from the nests with eggs, and ending with the adult individuals.

Fighting the bear with folk remedies

So, on the site found a bear, how to fight - the people's means or industrial? At the first stages, the fight with the bear should be conducted only by environmentally friendly domestic methods: traps, scarers and physical destruction of its moves. For example, you can pour a soap or kerosene solution (2 tablespoons per bucket of water) into the mink, or fill it with sand mixed with kerosene. As a result, the insect will come to the surface or die inside the course.

It is noticed that this pest does not like the smell of bird droppings. Periodic fertilizing with this fertilizer will not only help to strengthen the plants, but also protect their roots from the infestations of the bear. The garlic, which needs to be pawned into the pit by 1 tooth, is also excellent in this function. Dried and powdered egg shells in a mixture with vegetable oil is a good mineral fertilizer for seedlings, carrying a deadly threat to the bear.

Preparations from the bear

Fighting with a bear in the garden is also carried out with the help of insecticides in the form of granules, which are added to the planting holes when planting seedlings or buried in row-spacing, buried in the soil for 3-5 cm. Due to the prolonged action (at least 3 weeks), granular insecticides minimize contamination of soil , having a high degree of efficiency. The following preparations are popular:

Repeller of the Bear

It is noticed that the bear does not tolerate sharp smells and sounds. This feature of them was the basis of some ways how to get rid of a bear in the garden:

  1. A fish. During the planting works, fish heads are instilled on each bed, which decompose deters pests from the site.
  2. Hedge". Do not like the bear and the smell of some plants. Seared along the perimeter of the site, marigolds , coriander or spread out spruce branches will become a reliable protection against this pest.
  3. Banish the bear and can be using a purchased ultrasonic repeller for moles - it, like other underground residents can not coexist with the source of high-frequency oscillations.

How to catch a bear?

Effective ways to deal with the bear include its capture by means of various traps:

  1. Before the beginning of the planting works, it is possible to lay out pieces of polyethylene or boards on the beds. Medvedkov crawl under the shelter under such cover. Walking through the site in the middle of the day, you can easily collect and destroy a lot of adults.
  2. Attractive for the bears smell of beer. After digging a half-liter bottle filled with this foam drink (approximately 50 ml) on the site, you can partially solve the problem of fighting with the bear.
  3. As a bait, honey is also suitable. The honey trap is done as follows: they smear the inside of the jar from inside and dig it up on the neck along the neck. The infected pest can not get out on the sticky walls and die.
  4. In autumn, the bears are settled for wintering in manure piles. After digging it, you can destroy most of the pests.