Pinosol during pregnancy

Rhinitis is one of the most unpleasant symptoms that can be noticed by women during pregnancy. Especially often it occurs in the autumn-spring and winter periods and in the clinical picture of acute respiratory viral disease comes out on top.

The trouble is also that the list of permitted pharmacological drugs is severely restricted during pregnancy. This applies not only to tablets and powders, but also drops and sprays for the nose, since the mucous surface of the nasal cavity is rich in blood vessels through which the drug enters the bloodstream. We will try to consider whether Pinosol is possible during pregnancy, possible contraindications to its use and side effects.

Pinosol - is it possible during pregnancy?

To understand whether it is possible to apply drops, ointments and sprays Pinosol during pregnancy, get acquainted with the composition of the drug. So, most of the components of this drug are plant extracts (eucalyptus oil, common pine oil, peppermint extract and thymol), as well as a large dose of vitamin E.

Due to this composition, Pinosol has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-edematous and immunostimulating action in the inflammatory focus. Due to the presence of vitamin E in the preparation with the use of Pinosol, regeneration and epithelialization of the tissues of the nasal mucosa is improved.

In addition, this drug helps to eliminate nasal congestion in the so-called rhinitis of pregnant women , which occurs due to changes in the hormonal background, reduced immunity and increased permeability of the vessels of the nasal cavity. Drops Pinosol during pregnancy improves blood circulation in the nasal cavity, as well as reduce the secretion of nasal glands. The drug Pinosol (drops, ointment and spray) during pregnancy reduces the feeling of dryness in the nose.

Pinosol in pregnancy and lactation, if you believe the instructions, you can use it in the presence of strict indications. It is not recommended to use Pinosol for pregnant women for more than seven days. However, conducted studies have shown that when using Pinosol during pregnancy, no pathological effect on the fetus occurred.

Pinosol - contraindications in pregnancy

The most important contraindication for the use of Pinosol in pregnant women is the allergy or intolerance of one of the components of the drug. Do not forget about the individual characteristics of the body of every woman, because for one it can become a salvage from the common cold, and the other will not bring the desired result. It is strictly forbidden to use Pinosol in women with allergic rhinitis . Of the side effects of women sometimes note a burning sensation, itching and swelling of the nasal mucosa.

How to use Pinosol during pregnancy?

For the treatment of rhinitis of pregnant women or caused by a viral infection, it is recommended on the first day of illness to instill a nose with one or two drops of the drug with an interval of 2 hours. From the second day of Pinosol, you can use two drops 3 to 4 times a day. The drug can be used in the form of inhalations, this requires a special inhaler. To do this, you should drip 50 drops of Pinosol solution into the inhaler and take 2-3 times a day.

Thus, judging by the composition and its effects on the body (the peculiarities of the effect on the nasal mucosa), we were convinced of the safety and efficacy of Pinosol during pregnancy. Of course, the use of pharmacological drugs during pregnancy is highly undesirable, but to suffer from a cold is much worse. The drug Pinosol in the form of drops, ointments and sprays is the optimal solution that can help cope with a runny nose without causing harm to the mother and child.