Green tea for weight loss

Green tea or a drink of Emperors, as it is reverently called in China, is famous for its medicinal properties for thousands of years. Its "pioneers" were the Chinese, although today the Japanese are not inferior to them, neither in mass consumption, nor in the culture of tea ceremonies. And green tea spreads all over the planet, attracting people on different continents not only with unique taste qualities, but also with its benefits for the whole organism. In particular, green tea helps to lose weight.

Green and black

Both green and black tea is made from the same leaves, but determines the color of the beverage obtained, as well as its characteristics, the very method of drying. No diet recommends that you use black tea, but on a green basis, both diet and unloading days .

Beneficial features

Daily consumption of green tea reduces the risk of cancer. To this conclusion scientists from the Cancer Institute of Japan came. In addition, green tea cleanses our blood vessels from cholesterol, splits it, strengthens and makes the vessels themselves elastic. It normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system, lowers blood pressure, protects against atherosclerosis, stroke, heart attack. And also protects the liver from obesity.

Green tea has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. First, green tea accelerates the metabolism, and therefore not digested remains in the intestine will remain forgotten in the past. In addition, due to the daily consumption of just one cup of tea, the appetite decreases and as a result - the level of sugar in the blood. Secondly, green tea burns fat. And also do not forget about its important cosmetic properties: this oriental drink with external application can relieve dandruff, blackheads and bags under the eyes.

After listing the main beneficial properties, the answer to the question whether green tea helps to lose weight becomes obvious. Lose weight will help you to diet on green tea or a day of unloading (in case you need to get into evening dress tomorrow).


You will be delighted that here there are no special restrictions, adhering to the simplest rules, you will be able to lose weight quickly and without suffering.

  1. Reduce the consumption of fatty and high-calorie food.
  2. Forget, finally, about sweet and smoked.
  3. Do not eat after 19.00 or three hours before bedtime.
  4. Do daily light physical exercises.
  5. Green tea should be drunk without sugar, and, especially, a sweetener. The latter is especially harmful, since it is a chemically excreted drug.
  6. Drink at least 4 cups of tea a day, 1 cup for half an hour before meals.
  7. In the tea you can add lemon, mint leaves, lemon balm or dried berries cranberries and blueberries.
  8. Adding cinnamon and ginger to tea will enhance the fat burning effect.
  9. Consumption of cold tea will increase the cost of calories. In order to heat a cup of tea the body each time will spend about 60 kcal.

Fasting day

The bottom line is to eat the whole day only with dried fruits and rice, while drinking 6 cups of tea per day. Green tea for weight loss will be more effective if you brew it on milk. Thus, you will feel satiety, and milk will make up for the lack of nutrients, which you have refused for the sake of losing weight for today.


  1. It is dangerous to drink tea for people with low and high blood pressure, as well as for pregnant women, because of the content of caffeine in green tea.
  2. Peptic ulcer, gastritis. Excessive consumption of tea can increase the acidity of the stomach in people with gastrointestinal problems.
  3. The combination of green tea and alcohol can cause great harm to the kidneys.
  4. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis, gout and glaucoma are also contraindicated in this drink.
  5. People with insomnia and overexcitation are not recommended to drink green tea also because of caffeine, which is a strong stimulant of the nervous system.

Learn to know in every way, this applies, like green tea, and consumed food. After all, the benefits and harms of products are conditional and it would be foolish to turn green tea - the elixir of youth and beauty, into your enemy.