Composition of green slimming coffee

Today green coffee is gaining popularity. His ability to accelerate metabolism and make weight loss more effective is of great public interest, and around this drink more and more myths and questions are gathering. Let's consider what contains green coffee, and also we will disassemble, on what its efficiency is based.

Composition of green slimming coffee

Green coffee is not a special variety and not a single plant. It's the same coffee that we used to drink in the morning. There is only one difference between black and green coffee: black has undergone a powerful heat treatment, namely - roasting, but green - only slightly dried. It's no secret that heat treatment has a harmful effect on many microelements and vitamins, which is why the benefits of non-roasted coffee are determined.

If you have purchased a quality product, then it will contain only 100% green non-roasted coffee without any additives. Some companies add to it various substances that enhance the effect, but the natural product does not include anything other than coffee.

Black coffee is popular due to its pleasant taste and noble color, but the green can not boast of either one or the other. However, in terms of composition, this option is somewhat different. During the heat treatment of the fruit of the coffee tree chlorogenic acid disappears - an element that promotes the increase of metabolism, a greater expenditure of energy on vital activity and as a consequence - weight loss.

In addition to chlorogenic acid, dozens of active components remain in green coffee, which disappear when roasting. In the composition of the drink, there are also vitamins, antioxidants, tannins, and alkaloids.

Does caffeine contain green coffee?

An interesting fact for anyone who has heart or pressure problems: Green coffee contains caffeine in a much lower dosage than in black. This is due to the fact that during the roasting process the composition of the product varies slightly and the amount of caffeine increases.

Properties of green coffee

Like all other products, the composition and properties of green coffee are interrelated. The drink, like its fragrant fellow, stimulates brain activity, helps with spasms of blood vessels, improves memory, concentrates attention. In addition, it is able to normalize blood circulation.

In cosmetology, green coffee has been used for a long time: it is included in the composition of anti-aging creams, and in hair growth products, and in cream against sun and other burns. Coffee can also be found in products for combating cellulite, stretch marks and other skin problems.

Green coffee for weight loss

Coffee is active and at all levels increases the metabolism, and it is believed, that you can lose weight even without additional measures. However, you will see the best results if you combine proper nutrition, sports and green coffee. All these measures, provided that the metabolism is improved, will work much more efficiently, and you can lose weight more intensively than usual. Even light physical exercises like the elementary morning gymnastics will allow to struggle faster with excess weight as it also in addition disperses a metabolism.

Losing weight is a serious process, and it is necessary to treat it responsibly. If you decide to lose weight and take green coffee to speed up the process, follow the diet: eat breakfast, eat a portion of light salad and soup for dinner, and supper with low-fat meat and vegetables. By refusing to overeat, sweet, fatty, fried, you will greatly speed up the process.