Manka is good and bad

All of us from childhood are familiar with the delicate taste of manga, which moms prepare on milk and add a little butter. And it is not surprising that the manga is so popular in baby food, because besides the mass of useful properties that it possesses, the manga is also perfectly absorbed by the body and gives a powerful energy boost, necessary for small fidgets.

What is useful in a manga?

First we will understand what a manga is. Manka is a cereal that is made from durum wheat by grinding. From this it follows that the semolina possesses all the same useful properties as wheat. Manka is rich in starch and poor in fiber, which makes it easy and fast-digestible food, while very nutritious. It is this feature of the manga that doctors use when they advise a post-operative patient to use a liquid mango cooked on water. Also, this is the only cereal, the porridge from which is digested in the lower part of the intestine, thereby, it allows you to remove from the body not only excess mucus, but also the toxins contained in it.

Carbohydrates in manga are starch, which dissolves more slowly than glucose and fructose , thereby ensuring a longer supply of the body with carbohydrates, and accordingly, the person remains fed longer. This property of the manga is useful to people who lead an active lifestyle, or athletes with constant physical exertion. Still this feature is applicable for people suffering from high amounts of sugar, for them, the mango will be an excellent breakfast. A useful feature of the manga is that it does not require long heat treatment, as it is perfectly digested, which means that it retains more useful properties than other grains.

Manka with losing weight

The use of this cereal for weight loss, as a low-calorie dish - it's a myth. The calorie content of semolina is 330 kcal per 100 g of product. This means 660 kcal in a two-hundred-gram serving, which covers almost half the amount of calories that it is advised to use when you lose weight to an adult woman. But you should not completely abandon semolina porridge with dietary nutrition. A small portion of the mango, boiled on the water, with the addition of dried fruits, eaten for breakfast, will allow you to feel full until lunch. This makes it possible to avoid unwanted snacks. Now that we've figured out how useful the manga is, it's time to talk about her harm.

Damage to the mango

The harmful properties of mango should be given special attention. It is necessary to know that the composition of the manga includes a rather large amount of gluten. Congenital intolerance of this substance affects one in nine hundred Europeans. In patients with celiac disease , gluten causes thinning of the intestinal mucosa, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in the absorption of nutrients.

Dangerous is also the phytin, which is a part of semolina. It binds calcium salts and does not allow calcium to enter the blood. When the body begins to lower the level of calcium, it begins to draw it from the reserve, that is, from bone tissue, which makes them fragile and prone to fractures. Therefore, it is not necessary to feed a small child with semolina porridge several times a day. Fitin is also found in all cereals, just in a much smaller quantity.

But still, if you or your child does not have a categorical intolerance to one of the constituents of the substances, or allergies to gluten, do not completely exclude semolina from your diet. We just need to remember that everything is good, that in moderation.