Infectious-toxic shock

When the body is infected with bacteria and viruses, these microorganisms release a huge amount of poisonous substances that cause an infectious-septic shock. It is characterized by a sharp drop in blood pressure due to a violation of blood flow through the vessels. In many cases, this condition is fraught with a fatal outcome, especially in the absence of emergency medical interventions.

Causes of infectious-toxic shock

As a rule, the syndrome under consideration is provoked by poisonous compounds of a protein nature, because they have large dimensions, and hence a large surface, on which the antigen molecules are located.

The strongest toxins with a protein base are secreted by coccal bacteria, in particular - streptococci (beta-hemolyzing) and staphylococci (golden). Therefore, common causes of infectious-toxic shock are:

Stages and symptoms of infectious-toxic shock

There are 3 degrees of the described state, for each of which the corresponding clinical manifestations are characteristic:

  1. Compensated shock (stage 1). Accompanied by nervous excitement, severe general condition of the victim, motor anxiety, acrocyanosis, hyperesthesia, pallor of the skin, decrease in the volume of excreted urine (per day). Tachycardia, dyspnea of ​​moderate degree is also noted.
  2. Subcompensated shock (stage 2). There is a universal cyanosis, hypothermia, excitation, followed by a retardation of the central nervous system, skin blanching, tachycardia, oliguria, hypokalemia, acidosis and oxygen starvation. In addition, there is hypotension, DIC syndrome and deafness of cardiac tones.
  3. Decompensated shock (stage 3). It is the most severe form of pathology. Characterized by pronounced cyanosis, a sharp drop in blood pressure, hypothermia, a violation of consciousness, irreversible changes in internal organs, anuria. Further, a threadlike pulse and a pronounced metabolic decompensated acidosis are observed.

There is also a common set of symptoms:

If you do not provide timely help, after a decompensated stage of shock, a coma comes and the probability of a lethal outcome increases.

First emergency aid for infectious-toxic shock

Before the arrival of the medical team, the following measures should be taken:

  1. Put a hot water bottle under your feet or a bottle of hot water. Cover the victim with a warm blanket.
  2. Unfasten or even remove clothing that interferes with normal breathing.
  3. Open the windows so that the patient has access to fresh air.

Doctors immediately install a venous and urinary catheter, as well as a mask with moistened oxygen. If necessary, emergency administration of glucocorticosteroid hormones (prednisolone, dopamine) is performed.

Treatment of infectious-toxic shock

Upon arrival at the hospital, the victim is transferred to the intensive care unit or intensive care unit. Treatment is carried out with the help of such preparations: