How to stop vomiting?

Vomiting can occur for various reasons. This is the forced, uncontrolled expulsion of undigested food from the stomach, which is facilitated by the contraction of the abdominal muscles and the diaphragm. Despite the fact that vomiting can occur for various reasons, one of them is severe nausea. Before thinking about how to stop vomiting, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence. If the process is a one-time process, then there may not be reasons for concern. But if vomiting does not stop for several hours or even days, you need to take action.

How to stop nausea and vomiting?

If you frequently vomit during pregnancy, you need to add a little grated ginger root to your food. An infusion of peppermint or chamomile helps as well.

Not everyone knows how to stop vomiting from poisoning. Therefore, we note that first you need to thoroughly wash the stomach with warm boiled water, then drink several tablets of activated charcoal . Replace conventional water with a weak saline solution.

When the nervous system is sick, vomiting occurs usually in the morning, due to a change in the horizontal position of the body to the vertical position. You can drink warm weak tea on an empty stomach or infusion of herbs that regulate pressure.

Nausea and vomiting often occur when the abdominal cavity is abnormal. In this case, home treatment can be ineffective, so it is better to contact the doctor immediately.

Also, signs of prolonged nausea and vomiting predict the spread of serious diseases, so joke with this is not necessary - ask for help in the hospital.

How to stop diarrhea and vomiting?

In many cases, diarrhea and vomiting are the result of infectious poisoning. These are the so-called ways of protecting the body. If stale food products, various chemicals or something else were eaten, then naturally the body needs to get rid of what can not be digested. In such situations, you need to act quickly and effectively to prevent serious consequences. How to stop vomiting, we already know, that is, it's a direct washing of the stomach and a copious drink of saline. As for diarrhea, it is worth taking further measures. You can take rehydron, oralin or glucosolane according to the instructions. These drugs are good enough to clean the intestinal tract and remove substances unnecessary to the body, and then stop the discharge of the liquid stool. A useful solution can be prepared at home:

  1. In 1 liter of boiled water add two tablespoons of sugar and one teaspoon of soda and salt.
  2. All this carefully mix and give the patient a drink in a warm form.
  3. The entire volume of fluid is recommended to drink in three sets.

Do not think that with the first diarrhea or vomiting you need to stop this process immediately. The organism needs to be given the opportunity to cope with the problem on its own. And only after two or three emptying to take medical measures.

How to stop vomiting after alcohol?

An overdose of alcohol is not a very good and useful phenomenon for the body. Everyone reacts to this in different ways, including acute intolerance. As a protest, the body weakens, which in most cases is accompanied by vomiting, weakness and nausea. In this situation, it is necessary to empty the stomach of excess alcohol and rinse well with warm boiled water. In the event that there is no more vomiting, the patient can be given a drink with a weak warm tea or with mineral water. If frequent and long vomiting without improvement is necessary, contact the hospital for additional help.