Reflux-esophagitis - symptoms and treatment of all kinds of ailment

Disease reflux-esophagitis, symptoms and treatment, medicine are well studied, because this problem worries many patients. The disease is a lesion of the esophagus mucosa. It develops against a background of sudden or systematic casting into the organ of the contents of the stomach or intestine.

Reflux esophagitis - what is it?

This is one of the most common diseases. There is a disease of reflux-esophagitis, the symptoms and treatment of which in different cases may differ, when there is a direct contact of the mucosa of the esophagus with the contents of the intestine or stomach. The disease leads to a strong increase in acidity. As a result, the esophagus mucosa is affected and the main symptoms appear. As a rule, reflux esophagitis manifests itself by such signs as heartburn, soreness and other disorders of the digestive system.

Catarrhal reflux-esophagitis - what is it?

The superficial form of the disease is found in most cases. Catarrhal reflux-esophagitis - what is it? The disease manifests itself in the same way as its other forms, but on top of that, the mucosa of the esophagus swells. In the case of reflux-esophagitis, symptoms and treatment differ depending on its degree of development. But in most cases, along with characteristic edema, hyperemia is also diagnosed. All the signs of the problem are manifested due to insufficient work of the cardiac sphincter in the esophagus and mechanical damage.

Erosive reflux esophagitis - what is it?

Another common form of the disease. Erosive reflux-esophagitis - what kind of disease is it, it is clear from its name. It is characterized by a profound lesion of the mucosa - it becomes swollen, friable, covered with small erosions, microabscesses, cysts. In the early stages of the wound are single. But if the disease is not treated, the area of ​​the lesion of the mucosa grows, and over time it develops into the ulcer of the esophagus.

Distal reflux esophagitis - what is it?

The problem develops when irritating factors are exerted on the esophagus. To understand the distal reflux, what is it, you can imagine how the wall breaks down in the place where the hammer blows constantly occur. Similarly, the esophagus mucosa is injured in the lower part (when the whole surface is affected, the total RE is diagnosed) in the area of ​​ingestion of aggressive food.

Biliary reflux-esophagitis - what is it?

Pathology also causes inflammation in the mucosa. Biliary reflux-esophagitis is set when irritation begins as a result of exposure to the contents of the bile ducts on the esophageal mucosa. The bile contains aggressive acids. They lead to injuries, inflammations and other destructive changes.

Reflux-esophagitis - degree

The degree to which the symptoms of reflux-esophagitis manifest themselves vividly, and the treatment which is used to eliminate them, depends on the degree of development of the disease. The international classification assumes a division into such stages:

  1. Reflux-esophagitis 1 degree is diagnosed when the diameter of the affected mucosa does not exceed 4-5 millimeters. Erosions of this size can be several, but they should not merge with each other.
  2. At the second degree of the disease, several problem areas with a diameter of up to 5 mm are found on the esophageal mucosa. Ulcers can unite, but do not occupy the entire surface of the esophagus.
  3. If the esophageal mucosa is destroyed less than ¾, then the ailment developed to the third stage.
  4. With reflux-esophagitis fourth degree, the damage takes 75 percent or more of the entire surface. In some cases a chronic ulcer can even be diagnosed during the examinations.

Reflux-esophagitis - causes

Before starting to diagnose reflux esophagitis, the symptoms and treatment of which differ in different cases, it is necessary to understand why the problem appears. The main cause is the disruption of the lower esophageal sphincter. Due to the fact that his muscle tone is significantly reduced, he constantly remains open - partially or completely. As a result, the contents of the stomach can easily reach the esophagus.

As a rule, acute or chronic reflux esophagitis develops against the background of:

Reflux-esophagitis - symptoms

It is important to know them, because the earlier the reflux-esophagitis, its symptoms, will be determined, and the treatment will begin, the higher the probability of a successful outcome of therapy. All signs of the disease can be conditionally divided into extra-esophageal and esophageal. The latter include:

On extra-esophagus signs of reflux esophagitis should pay special attention. Some of them may seem completely unrelated to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but they point to the RE:

  1. Many patients with inflammation of the esophagus complain of the appearance of unpleasant sensations, such as scratching, burning, sore throat. In most cases, such symptoms occur in diseases of the pharynx. When reflux, they can arise because of casting not completely digested food, not only in the esophagus, but also higher in the throat.
  2. Cough with reflux-esophagitis - a phenomenon unexpected, but common. Some mistakenly accept this symptom for the manifestation of bronchitis. Confusing and attacks of suffocation at night. But if the "asthma" or "bronchitis" is accompanied by signs characteristic of GIT diseases, it is worth to appear to the gastroenterologist.
  3. Heart pains are also a sign of inflammation of the esophageal mucosa. Just because of this, experts recommend that when a discomforting sensation occurs in the heart they conduct a full examination of the body.
  4. Possible symptoms include caries and destruction of tooth enamel, which occur against the background of prolonged exposure to the teeth of hydrochloric acid.

Reflux-esophagitis - treatment

The most effective therapy is considered to have been initiated in the early stages or during an exacerbation. Since cure for reflux esophagitis is completely impossible, it is desirable to take steps immediately after the appearance of the first symptoms - to stop the development of the disease, until it caused serious damage to the esophagus. Having achieved a stable remission, many patients believe that the illness is over and stop adhering to the recommendations. Do not do this, because the ailment can recur and think about how to treat reflux esophagitis, will have to again.

Reflux-esophagitis - treatment, drugs

There are several therapeutic regimens, and starting treatment of reflux esophagitis, the most effective of them is determined by a specialist. The choice is made from such techniques:

  1. You can be treated with one medicine, but this scheme does not take into account the degree of deformation of tissues and in most cases is considered the least effective.
  2. Strengthening therapy is more fruitful. Its main principle is to prescribe different strength effects of drugs at different stages of inflammation. Treatment involves diet and antacids . If one combination of drugs is ineffective, the doctor tries another.
  3. To treat patients with severe reflux, strong blockers are used, which are replaced by weak prokinetics , when the symptoms subsided.

Most experts refer to such medicines:

Treatment of reflux-esophagitis with folk remedies

There are ways to combat the problem in alternative medicine. But reflux-esophagitis treatment with folk remedies assumes only in the absence of complications. Before using this or that recipe, it is better to consult with a specialist. The most harmless, but effective medicines are decoctions of plants:

Treatment of reflux flax


Preparation and use:

  1. Water boil.
  2. Mix all the ingredients in one bowl and pour boiling water.
  3. In a few hours, when the collection is infused, drain it.
  4. Take four times a day for 1/3 cup to reduce acidity and relieve inflammation.

Diet with reflux esophagitis

Proper nutrition in diseases of the digestive tract is very important. It will help to normalize the condition in the case of RE. A few tips will speed up remission and warn a relapse:

  1. Before eating, drink a glass of still water.
  2. To eat it is necessary fractional. Portions take small. Eat up to 6 times a day.
  3. It is desirable to refuse alcohol altogether. But if this is not possible, then at least try not to use it on an empty stomach.
  4. After meals, you can not lie down. It is better to sit or go for a walk.
  5. Do not eat at night.

From the menu with reflux-esophagitis it is necessary to exclude:

Include the same food in reflux esophagitis should:

Reflux-esophagitis - surgical treatment

This kind of therapy is also allowed. But with reflux-esophagitis, the operation is prescribed only in cases when conservative methods have failed, and the ailment continues to develop actively. Indications for surgery are still considered a complex course of the disease - with bleeding, ulcers, epithelial dysplasia - and the presence of a hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm.