Resalute analogues

Resalyut - a drug that has proved to be an effective medicine, widely used to treat the liver and prevent the development of various diseases of this body. Resalute, analogues of which can be used for treatment only after consultation with a doctor, helps normalize lipid metabolism, reduce cholesterol and activate the process of recovery of liver cells.

How to replace Resalyut?

This drug is one of the most effective drugs prescribed for liver diseases. However, its disadvantage is the high cost, which causes patients to seek more affordable medicines. Isolate such similar in their effects on the liver medicines:

The analogue of the preparation of Resalut Essentiale has practically the same composition. Both medicines are based on soybean phospholipids, there are no synthetic products. Because they have the same effect. Often, a doctor can prescribe one of two to choose from.

Considering other substitutes for Resalute, it is necessary to remember that they can have different effects on the body. Ask your doctor, as soon as he can prescribe the drug, taking into account your individual characteristics.

Resalyut or Phosphogliv - which is better?

In addition to phospholipids, glycyrrhizic acid, similar in structure to the hormone cortisone, produced by the adrenal glands of the body, is included in the composition of Phosphogliva. Because of this, uncontrolled use of the drug may adversely affect the condition. Therefore, if long-term treatment with phospholipids in large dosages is required, then Resalut should be chosen. If more An anti-inflammatory effect is important, then you should prefer Phosphogliv.

Resalyut or Karsil?

The difference between the drugs is in the main active substances. Active ingredient of Karsil is silymarin - a complex of natural phenolic compounds contained in milk thistle . As well as Resalyut, the drug normalizes the filtration function of the liver, regulates protein-fat metabolism, is prescribed in the treatment of alcohol poisoning, liver cirrhosis. However, depending on the characteristics of your body and the diagnosis, drugs can act in different ways. Therefore, the choice of a specific medicine should be done only by a specialist.