Salaka is good and bad

The fish of the Baltic herring belongs to the herring family. The fish is rather small, the average length of the Baltic herring is only 19 cm, with a weight of up to 76 g. It is a popular fish, so the use and harm of Baltic herring for the human body is a matter of interest.

The Benefits of Baltic herring

In the Baltic herring contains a huge amount of macro- and microelements, useful for humans. Omega-3 normalizes the level of cholesterol, removes toxins and other harmful substances from the body. Still this fish contains vitamins C , A, E, part of B vitamins and trace elements: phosphorus, iodine, calcium and magnesium.

100 g of Baltic herring contains 17.3 g of protein and 5.6 g of fat. The benefits and harms of Baltic herring fish vary according to several characteristics. For example, smoked Baltic herring contains 152 kcal, while crude - only 125. Also the caloric content is affected by the catch season. Fish caught in spring and summer will be less calories than autumn and winter.

Regularly eating salaka can be noted improvements in the work of blood vessels and heart, the normalization of pressure and getting rid of inflammatory processes.

Sell ​​herring in fresh, frozen and smoked kinds. A huge part of the caught fish is used to make canned food: sprat, anchovies and sprats. It can be used both in slightly salted and smoked form, and fried in a frying pan, or baked in the oven.

No matter how prepared this fish is, it still retains vitamins and trace elements. Despite the low caloric content, microelements and useful substances are sufficient to saturate the human body.

The damage of the Baltic herring

People suffering from diseases of the kidneys, heart and blood vessels are not advised to use this fish in a salty form. Regular use of salted herring with these diseases can weaken the protective functions of the body.