Reproduction of the rose by cuttings in spring

It's no secret that there are no problems with the reproduction of roses and dog-roses in nature - they multiply perfectly with seeds. But for varietal plants such a method is absolutely inappropriate - not only is labor-intensive, so even the resulting offspring retains only a small fraction of the varietal qualities of their parents. That is why it is accepted to propagate cultivated roses with cuttings. On the reproduction of the rose cuttings in spring in the home, we'll talk today.

Reproduction of roses in spring by green cuttings

Most often for the reproduction of roses at home use the method of green cuttings. Green cuttings are called semi-extruded parts of shoots, usually cut during budding. Of each such shoot, 2-3 cuttings are isolated with a sharp disinfected knife, so that on each of them there are 2-3 kidneys. The upper cuts of each cut are made straight at a distance of 1 cm from the upper kidney, and the lower oblique immediately below the lower kidney. Then the cuttings obtained are treated with antifungal agents and sent for some time to the root stimulating solution.

Lower leaves from each cut are removed completely, and from the upper leaves only one third. The cuttings prepared in this way are planted in a loose nutritious soil and a mini-greenhouse is built on top. Each stem is buried no more than 2 cm and set at an angle of 45 degrees. Then the greenhouse is pritenyayut and create in it an increased humidity by means of periodic spraying. Education on the cuttings of a new seedling will signal that the process of root formation has begun. From this moment it is possible to begin to temper the plant, gradually increasing the airing time of the greenhouse more and more.

Reproduction of roses in the spring with lignified cuttings

Odrevesnevshie cuttings of roses for reproduction harvested in autumn. In winter they are stored in a cool place, immersed in sand. During this time, they form roots. In spring, cuttings are planted on a separate bed or in a greenhouse .

Reproduction of the climbing rose by cuttings

For reproduction of climbing roses, the method of apical cuttings (layers) is usually used. In early spring, a one-year shoot is bent from the plant, cut on it and bent to the ground with a special hairpin. On top, the shoot is sprinkled with earth in such a way that its part rises to 20-30 cm. A year later, roots are formed in the place of the bend, and the entrenched stem can be separated from the mother plant and transplanted.