Red leaves on strawberries - the reason

Strawberries are a favorite berry of children and adults. Juicy, sweet, incredibly useful, fragrant and early - it really has something to love. Unfortunately, it is often affected by various diseases and pests. Today we will talk about why strawberries have red leaves, and how to deal with it.

The main reasons why strawberries are red leaves

The first thing that leads to this phenomenon is the lack of some nutrients or otherwise nitrogen starvation. The method of struggle is quite simple - carrying out fertilizing with a balanced fertilizer, consisting of mineral and organic substances.

You can take 1/3 of a bucket of humus, add 1 tsp to it. mineral fertilizer with a high content of potassium, pour all this with warm water to the top of the bucket and let it brew for 3 days. The resulting solution to feed strawberries, dissolving each liter in a bucket of warm water. Red leaves need to be cut so that in their place appeared healthy green.

Another reason why strawberries have red leaves and stems is a thickened planting and a lack of proper care for the beds. Often because of this, fungal diseases occur. To prevent this phenomenon, you need to prune the strawberries in a timely manner, remove the weeds, dry leaves.

As measures to prevent and combat fungi, spraying strawberries with topaz, Vectra or Borodos liquid is used. Processing can be done before the beginning of flowering and in autumn after harvest.

Why do red stains and dots appear on strawberry leaves?

If brown and red spots appear on the leaves of the strawberry, it indicates the damage by their brown patchiness (burn of the leaves). With the development of the disease, these spots gradually merge until the entire leaf becomes red-brown in color. Then the leaves dry and curl.

This phenomenon is also associated with the development of a fungal infection that spreads with rain or irrigation water with the help of spores. The danger of the disease is that it perfectly winters on the affected leaves and in the spring again see the red leaves of the strawberry.

To avoid such an unpleasant phenomenon, you must initially lay strawberry beds in well-ventilated areas with fertile soil, weed out weeds in time, do not allow thickening of the leaves. And in the early spring and after harvesting, remove all affected leaves. Additionally, it can be treated with Bordeaux liquid and Chorus .