Atoxyl - a method of application

Atoxil is a drug from the group of enterosorbents, widely used for poisoning , intestinal infections, allergies.

Features of the drug Atoxil

The product is available in the form of a powder. The main component of the drug is silicon dioxide. It has such a wide spectrum of action and is capable of adsorbing a large number of various harmful microorganisms.

In addition to the ability to purify the body, the medicine has several other properties:

The use of the drug Atoxil is due not only to the rapid action, but also the quickest withdrawal of toxins from the body.

Application of the drug Atoxil

According to the instructions attached to the medicine, in the vial, add clean water to the indicated level. The mixture is then shaken well with the lid closed. The medicine is ready for use.

The way of using Atoxil in bags is almost the same: the portion should be dissolved in 150 ml of water.

If it is a question of cleansing with hepatitis, the dosage and duration of treatment is prescribed by the attending physician.

At deep wounds on the skin, undiluted powder is used, which should be sprinkled with the affected area after disinfection and apply a bandage.

Contraindications to the use of the drug Atoxil

Like any other drug, Atoxil has several factors, in the presence of which its use can be harmful:

In conclusion, you need to add that self-medication is not necessary. In all disorders, discomforts and poor health, you should first visit a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis.