Rice with soy sauce

This dish meets the gastronomic requirements and has various cooking options. Consider rice recipes with soy sauce in combination with various products, the use of which is typical for Chinese cooking.

Rice with soy sauce - recipe

The traditional preparation of rice involves the use of a variety of spices and soy sauce, but remember that the taste of the dish depends on the variety itself. Therefore, before you prepare rice with soy sauce, choose the ingredients correctly. Not polished or wild rice is perfect in this case.



  1. Rinse the rice well, pour it with water, put it on the fire and cook without mixing, covering it with a lid until it is ready.
  2. Pour the wine vinegar into the hot, cooked rice and wait a few minutes until the odor evaporates.
  3. Heat the soy sauce in a frying pan, add the spices and season with the mixture of Fig.
  4. Stir all the ingredients and allow the prepared dish to brew.

Rice with vegetables and soy sauce - recipe

The original dish, in which pepper and cucumber was not subjected to heat treatment, which allowed to preserve the vitamin reserve of vegetables. Rice with vegetables and soy sauce is used as the main dish on the festive table.



  1. Rinse the well washed rice with water and cook for a quarter of an hour until it is completely ready, and then let the rice stand.
  2. Peel and chop the onions in a frying pan, add finely chopped carrots, soy sauce and keep the mixture on fire for a while.
  3. Prepared rice mixed with the contents of the pan, add the diced cucumber and pepper. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients and take the prepared dish off the fire.

Rice with seafood - recipe with soy sauce



  1. Cook the rice until cooked.
  2. Peel the onions and ginger and lightly fry in butter.
  3. Place the seafood in a frying pan to the vegetables and put it out for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Pour in soy sauce to cooked seafood, add the cooked rice and hold in a frying pan for a couple of minutes. Stir the mixture and serve as a main dish to the table.