Gymnastics of Tibetan monks

Is there a way not to get sick, be healthy, beautiful and energetic? There are, and you know all about it, for it is a movement. But it's so hard to lift yourself out of bed half an hour earlier than usual. For what? Charging? I will definitely do it the next time I go to bed early. We every day feed ourselves with excuses, and then we are surprised when they knock on the door of the disease. We cure them with pills and return to the "normal" life rhythm.

Today we will get acquainted with the most simple in the world gymnastics, with very strict rules of implementation. This is the gymnastics of Tibetan monks or the Eye of Revival.


You will not be surprised that this kind of gymnastics originated from Tibetan monasteries, where monks who are versed in chakras, vortexes and stagnations, better than us, computer literate, understood the causes of diseases and their treatment.

Stagnation of energy

The essence of the gymnastics of the Tibetan monks is the activation of the vortex movement within us. These vortices are energy clots that in healthy people move very actively, and the cause of the disease is their stagnation. Every exercise of the respiratory gymnastics of Tibetan monks rid us of this stagnation.


According to the morning exercises of Tibetan monks, neither competitions nor championships are held. It's pointless to drive yourself and do it more intensively, faster, stronger. Do the number of repetitions that you like, with the speed at which you are comfortable.

The most important thing is daily exercises. The maximum number of passes is two days. Next, all of your previous efforts - down the drain, because the internal stagnation was formed again. This is the simplest and, at the same time, complex gymnastics, because it does not need strength and endurance, but patience and perseverance.


You may have only one reason not to perform the exercises - lack of faith. We do not incline you to Buddhism, Shintoism or anything. Gymnastics of Tibetan monks does not make sense to perform just for weight loss, healing, strength, if you do not believe in the principle of its action. And it is simple - the internal movement of vortices.


  1. The first exercise has a ritual character. It is performed in order to give additional inertia to the vortices. IP - standing, hands raise to the level of the pile in the sides, horizontally. One hand looks up, the other - down. Rotate as much as possible, clockwise.
  2. Then sit down and take the pose of the child. Having risen, you can read your favorite prayer.
  3. We lay down on the back, raise the straight legs and pull the socks on the head. With this, hands behind the head and stretch head and shoulders to the feet. First we breathe out, then when we lift the head, we inhale, and when we lower it we exhale.
  4. Again we rest in the pose of the child.
  5. We stand on bent knees, buttocks are torn from the legs, hands are pressed to the hips. We jerk our head back and bend in the back.
  6. We perform the pose of the child.
  7. Sit down on the floor, legs straight, hands rest on the floor. We bend our knees and raise the buttocks. Straighten your arms, and the entire body stretches out into a single line.
  8. We perform the pose of the child.
  9. We get up, legs are straight. Hands stretch to the floor and step forward. We get into the pose of the mountain, we pull our back and stretch out into the snake's pose. So we change one position to another.
  10. We finish the cycle in the child's pose.


The popularity of gymnastics began with the publication of the book "The Eye of Revival" by Peter Kalder in 1939. The publication contained a Europeanized version of exercises, explanations that focus on the Europeans. However, often - this becomes an ironic mockery of all Buddhist philosophy. That is why it is better to look for Tibetan treatment of exercises, rather than teach them by European standards.