Black olives - good and bad for the body

The fruits of the olive tree are black and green (unripe), the first is also called olives. The most widespread these fruits have received in the Mediterranean region, but more and more people around the world are interested in the benefits of olives and olives.

Benefits and harm of olives for the body

In fresh form olives in favor are not used even in the area where they grow, because these fruits are very bitter. Before they get on the table, they go a long way - from assembly, manual calibration and prolonged soaking to canning or salting.

The most useful, by the way, are the olives prepared by fermentation. In addition, many more useful substances retain the olives with bones. Those who are not familiar with the selection criteria for olives should pay attention to the presence of an iron gluconate ingredient (E579). If it is present, it is better not to buy this product. such olives are painted black artificially.

Canned olives and olives can be consumed as an independent product, added to salads and other dishes to which they add spice. The benefits of black olives are also that they effectively neutralize the harmful effects of alcohol, so they are added to cocktails.

Depending on the variety, olives and olives contain up to 80% of oils, which contain unsaturated fatty acids. They reduce the level of harmful cholesterol, which causes blockage of blood vessels.

Favorably affect the olives on the gastrointestinal tract - they restore it mucous and normalize the work of the digestive tract. The reception of 5 olives with pits a week helps to fight with the formation of stones in the kidneys, gall bladder. However, this method is contraindicated for people with "lazy" intestines, can occur without a bezoar (a cluster of bones and stools, causing intestinal obstruction).

The benefits of olives for women are explained primarily by a large number of dietary fiber and antioxidants. The fruits of the olive tree are indispensable during diets, and also to maintain youth and beauty.

In addition, the benefits of olives and olives are:

Practically the only contraindication to eating olives is cholecystitis . People with such a diagnosis should be included in the diet of olives very carefully. And those who suffer from edema, should limit the use of olives and olives because of the high salt content.