Rudbeckia - planting and care

The huge golden flowers of rudbeckia, along with other perennials, bloomed all summer long ago fell in love with horticulturists and summer residents. They remind us of their childhood, sun and warmth. In addition, planting a perennial rudbeckia that does not require special care will allow you to enjoy incredibly bright and abundant flowering from July to October.

There are many species of this plant. At the same time, all grades of rudbeckia grow well, turning after a few years into magnificent bushes. The most common varieties in our latitudes are purple (or pink) rudbeckia, characterized by cold resistance and similarity with chamomile flowers, hirta ritbeckia with yellow double flowers, bright yellow rudbeckia shining and rudbeckia hairy, home to which is North America.

Planting of rudbeckia

Reproduction of rudbeckia is carried out by growing from seeds or by dividing an adult maternal bush. This reproduction of rudbeckia with seeds does not present any difficulties. You do not need to germinate the seeds in the greenhouse, dive them. It is enough to sow them in a plot in the warmed soil in May, and sprout seedlings. However, many gardeners prefer the cultivation of rudbeckia from the outgrowths of the mother bushes. And to divide and transplant rudbeckia follows when the plant has not yet entered the active growth phase (in spring) or after flowering (in autumn). This plant prefers treated clay fertile soils, and plots - sunny or slightly shaded. The longer the rudbeckia will be under the sun, the larger and thicker its bushes. Drought this perennial is not afraid.

If you decide to purchase seedlings, then plants should choose strong, without yellow leaves. The height of the shoots does not matter. Plant them better in March-April and compact, so that the bushes look denser. Soil on the site before replanting rudbecki should be fertilized with compost . When rudbeckia starts to bloom, it is better not to abuse fertilizers, as the plant can suffer.

Care for long-term rudbeckies is reduced to irrigation, but it is necessary to do this only when there has been no rain for a long time. If you notice wilted inflorescences, you can safely cut them, the plant will not suffer. In addition, the removal of old leaves will positively affect the subsequent flowering. Yes, and look like rudbecki bushes will be more aesthetic. The only problem in the cultivation of rudbecki can become pests. Most often perennials affect leaf nematodes. These insects eat away in the leaves of the rudbeckies, which is why their abundant falloff begins. Solve this problem with insecticides. A few sprays with an interval of three to five days will save your beauty from pests.

Rudbeck seed collection

If you want to collect the seeds of Rudbeckia yourself, but do not know how, then wait for the plant to dry completely. Collect them with gloves, because there is a risk of scratching your hands. Then carefully dry them, pouring on a sheet of paper. AT The seeds do not need additional processing before planting. In order to have strong seedlings by May, plant the collected seeds in pots with light sandy soil and place them in a warm place (20-24 degrees). Direct sunlight should be avoided. In January, when the seedlings grow up, transplant them into larger pots. Soil choose fertile and mineralized.

Note that plants grown from seeds will not necessarily be the same as those from which they were harvested. It is for this reason that many gardeners who need a specific plant variety, and grow rudbeckiy by dividing the mother bushes.