How to water the ficus?

Rarely what kind of house does without houseplants. Many people like a small tree from the mulberry family - ficus . However, for this plant to please us with its beautiful appearance and give a cozy home atmosphere, we should properly take care of it. First, the ficus does not like changing its location. Therefore, it is better to immediately determine the place where the vase with the ficus will be located. Secondly, for this plant is very important regime of watering. How to properly water the ficus?

How to water the ficus in winter and summer?

To water a fig tree, you do not need to set a schedule. After all, its need for moisture can vary depending on the season, the age of the plant, the type of soil and even the material from which the ficus is made.

During the summer months, the watering of the ficus should be abundant, however, one should not be particularly zealous, because the overmoistening of the ficus is also harmful, as well as excessive drying. Before the next watering of the plant, it is necessary to conduct a soil sample for moisture. To do this, slip your finger into the ground approximately 3 cm (for a large ficus growing in a tub - 5-7 cm). If the soil is not sufficiently dry and stuck to the finger, it is too early to water the plant. But if the finger is dry and the ground does not stick to it - it's time to take a watering can with water.

Sprinkle the ficus with room-standing water, completely soaking the soil in the tank until the water flows out through the drainage holes. After that, excess water must be drained from the pallet. In addition, the ficus likes spraying from the spray gun.

In winter, watering the ficus should be done with caution, because in the cool season, overmoistening can lead to decay of the roots of the flower.

Beginners are interested in how often you need to water the ficus. In summer, depending on the temperature of the air, you can water up to 3 times a week. With the advent of autumn, watering should be gradually reduced, reducing it to once a week in the winter months.

Another issue of interest to the flower growers: is it possible to water the ficus with sweet water. Yes, of course you can. This will be a kind of fertilizing for the plant. To do this, you must dissolve 1 tsp. sugar in 1 liter of water and water the ficus once a month.