Bridal bouquet of roses

You can experiment endlessly with the types of flower compositions for the bride on the day of the wedding, but a wedding bouquet of roses is always a win-win option. This noble flower is associated with the strongest feeling - love. And what is a "wedding", how not the triumph of love? Thanks to the breeders and their tireless work, there are hundreds today, if there are thousands of varieties of roses. Some of them are so decorative that at first glance it is difficult to determine if a rose is really in front of you. Incredibly tender white, romantic pink, passionate red, eccentric blue, green and even purple roses are great material for creating a floristic artwork.

Flower heaven

Traditionally, a bridal bouquet is made of white or red roses of medium size. White flowers perfectly blend in with the bride's outfit, and the red ones allow you to dilute the image with a bright accent. Filled with tenderness, an image can be created if a bride's bouquet of pink roses is in the hands of the bride. By the way, this color is in perfect harmony with the red, pink and cream colors. If the bride closely follows the latest trends in wedding fashion , then her wedding is likely to be thematic. Such ceremonies often presuppose not only the presence of original decorations and the location of the wedding. Welcome and unconventional colors for the bride and groom, so the bouquet of blue roses in the hands of the girl can look quite harmoniously. By the way, such a composition of roses of an unusual color is suitable in case the bride chooses a dress with a blue belt, or decorative elements in a similar range.

Why are rarely used incredibly spectacular roses with large heads and long stems? Everything is corny - with such a bouquet the bride will be uncomfortable. Garden varieties for these purposes are more appropriate. Such a wedding bouquet can consist of 10-30 roses. The more colors, the denser each other they should be, and in the composition of a small number of roses you can add greens, physalis and other flowers. Looks great bouquet of the bride from the bush rose. Small double flowers of different shades make the wedding image of the bride gentle, romantic. The bride's bouquet of garden and small bush roses usually has a spherical shape, but you can order a cascade composition or a bouquet on the stem. As a decor florists use ribbons, greens, beads and sisal.