Wheat porridge on milk

Wheat porridge on whole milk is an ideal option for a hearty and incredibly healthy breakfast for both children and adults. And to cook it is very simple, it is enough to follow a few simple recommendations, which we described in detail in our recipes.

How to cook wheat porridge on milk in a multivark?



In order to get a perfect taste of finished porridge at the output, we choose only high-quality wheat groats of the highest grade without husk and other foreign impurities. Thoroughly rinse the necessary amount of cereals to the transparency of water and shift it into a multicast. There we pour whole milk, add pieces of butter, season the mug with salt and sprinkle sugar. If there is a desire to prepare a wheat milk powder with various additives in the form of dried fruits or nuts, then add them at this stage, pre-rinsing and, if necessary, grinding. Fresh berries or fruits are added to the ready-made dish.

We cover the cover of the kitchen appliance and choose the program "Milk porridge". How much to cook wheat porridge on milk in a multivariate? It is definitely impossible to answer this question. After all, each device has its own power, which determines the duration of cooking different dishes. On average, this will take forty minutes. If your multivarker with a pressure cooker function, the cooking time will be significantly reduced. After the signal, we do not open the device, but leave the dish for infusion in the program "Heating".

How correctly to cook wheat porridge on milk in a saucepan?



The absence of a multivark - no problem, we will weld the same mug in a saucepan. To do this, in a boil-warmed milk, we lay the whey washed thoroughly to the clarity of water with a grain of wheat, throw a pinch of salt and sugar, stir until boiling again, cover the container with a lid and reduce the intensity of the fire to the very minimum. We grind the mug for twenty-five to thirty minutes, sometimes stirring. Ideally, if you take a saucepan for cooking porridge with non-stick coating - this will help to avoid unpleasant consequences.

We serve the ready mash hot, putting a piece of butter in the plate. As in the previous version, fresh berries or fruit slices, as well as dried fruits and nuts, will be superfluous. But the latter must be washed beforehand and added porridge at the beginning of cooking.

Porridge from wheat cereals in milk with pumpkin



We start cooking wheat porridge in milk with the preparation of a pumpkin. We wash the fruit, remove it from the entrails, peel it and cut off the amount of pulp necessary for making porridge and grind it a little. The rest can be cut into cubes and frozen for future use.

We put the prepared pumpkin in a saucepan with boiled milk. There we also send a thoroughly rinsed wheat grains to the clear water, pour in the sugar and add a pinch of salt. Cook the mullet on medium-intensity fire for twenty to thirty minutes, depending on the size of the grains, without forgetting to stir. Now we cover the container with a lid and let it reach the taste for fifteen minutes.

Such a gruel can be prepared without the addition of sugar, if the pumpkin is sweet or replaced with honey , adding it directly to the plate before serving, which will greatly improve the utility rating of the dish.