The Benefits of Yogurt

A lot is said about the benefits of yogurt. However, to say that this product is really useful, you can, when it is not present or contains a minimum amount of dyes, all kinds of additives, but there are living bacteria - probiotics . In this case, the benefit of yogurt is unquestionable: it will be really easy to assimilate and the child's body, and even a pregnant woman. This product is recommended for women with toxicosis. However, this does not mean that you can buy any product, with any additives. On the contrary, to choose something that does not hurt your body, you need to carefully study the composition.

What do we know about the composition of yogurt?

Factory yogurt is not necessarily a culinary evil. It is necessary to pay attention to the composition, and also for the period of validity. If the latter is quite large, then the benefit of natural yogurt has nothing to do with it, since in your hands you do not hold what can in principle be attributed to natural yoghurts. In order for the product to be stored for a long time, preservatives are added to it and not only. And any yogurt with probiotics simply can not be stored for long. Typically, the normal shelf life for the last - a week, 10 days, depending on how it was prepared.

Yogurt at home

Many people think that it is optimal to prepare this dish at home. Like, everything is under control, it is clear that it was taken as raw material, no one will add anything chemical. Of course, the benefits of homemade yogurt is great, but only if you have not broken the process and you really know how to keep the technology. Important and quality leaven with the content of those most probiotics, and temperature regime. If everything is observed, then the benefits of yogurt will be unquestionable: a large amount of vitamin A, D, a significant amount of calcium . And the benefits of drinking yogurt is as follows: calcium from this product is digested much easier, and also faster than from all other varieties of products.