Fortrans for weight loss

Fortrans is a medical product that is prescribed to patients before any cavitary operations for cleaning the intestines. Its single reception can be equated to the action of several enemas. Fortrans is also prescribed in case of intestinal obstruction, when there is a threat of intoxication of the patient. However, doctors do not recommend taking fortrans for weight loss. This is due to a number of consequences:

  1. As a result of cleaning the intestine with fortransomes, atony occurs. That is, complete degradation of the main function of the intestine - evacuation. In other words, after such a weight loss, you will lose the ability to go to the toilet without a laxative.
  2. From the intestine, along with the feces, the entire microflora is washed out and even after taking the fortrance, your intestines can not completely restore the normal flora and the function of absorbing nutrients.
  3. Deformities of the large intestine and rectum, as well as hemorrhoids, may occur.
  4. Due to the fact that the body will not receive enough vitamins and trace elements (see point 2), hair will begin to fall out, nails will break down and the skin will be flaky.
  5. When you use complex carbohydrates, as well as food rich in fiber, bloating and flatulence will begin. The intestine can not cope with digesting such a "complex" food.
  6. Performing any physical activity will become almost impossible due to weakness.

However, despite all this, the laxative fortrans is very popular among those who desperately want to lose weight at any cost. Let's see how the effect of losing weight on fortrans is achieved:

Now let's talk about how long it takes to clean the intestines with fortransomes.

The first day you will spend at home, as 6-12 hours will run to the toilet. On the first day, manufacturers recommend only to drink water, eat - it is forbidden. The next day, you will hardly be able to get out of bed, because after the "global cleansing" you will have an unprecedented decline in strength. On this day you will need to boil 1 cup of rice and get divided into 5-6 meals. Any other food can cause bouts of diarrhea. Further, for a period of a week or even two, you will need to take bifido- and lactobacillus, since the whole intestinal microflora will be washed by fortrans.

Side effects

Fortrans there are no side effects, he has only the consequences of which we spoke at the beginning of the article. You can also add the fact that in the next six months you will be sitting on a special diet, not at all in order to lose weight, but in order not to lose weight. Your metabolism will be slowed, diarrhea will periodically occur, vitamins and minerals will not be able to be digested properly even a few months after cleansing.

Rules of admission

If, contrary to all the above, you still want to take a chance (maybe it will carry - this is just the right expression for the fortrans!), then we will describe how to take the fortrans for weight loss.

The most convenient way is fortrans in powder. We dilute it in a liter of water, and drink in 5 receptions of 200ml. However, given that fortrance, to all else, also has a very unpleasant aftertaste, you may have a urge to vomit. So get rid of the toilet for the rest of the day from other family members, and stock up the basin in case of vomiting from the fortrans.

And to be honest, you can lose the same 2 kg in a more humane way. For example: arrange a fasting day on vegetables or fruits, drink green tea, go to the bath and run in the park.