Silicea in Homeopathy

In such a direction as homeopathy, Silicia plays an important role, since it is considered one of the main drugs used. The drug is a solution of silicic acid, consisting of the corresponding element of the periodic table and oxygen. The main component is extracted from rock crystals. The drug is available in the form of tinctures and granules. It acts on inflammation of different nature, lymph nodes, mucous membrane, skin and other parts of the body.

Homeopathic preparation Silicea 6 - indications for use

Silicea 6 is often prescribed in the event of the appearance of suppuration, since it is the most effective remedy. It is considered simply indispensable for therapy directed against rickets and scrofula .

The drug is often used to treat headaches that begin with the occipital part. Such unpleasant sensations can give to the eye. In most cases, the cause is hard mental work.

In addition, in homeopathy Silicea 6 is indicated for epilepsy, which increases in the new moon. It is considered a good tool for the treatment of asthma and bronchitis in chronic forms (most often such symptoms appear in people whose lungs settle a large amount of stone dust).

Also, this medicine has proven itself in the fight against purulent pleurisy and consumption of the last stages. It helps to cope with chronic rheumatism, when painful sensations intensify at night.

At the same time, many people prescribe this drug from a chronic cough, during which thick yellow sputum is secreted.

Silicea 30 in homeopathy - indications for use

Silicea 30 is considered one of the most used means in homeopathy - it helps to cope with many ailments:

  1. Ulcers. The use of the drug shows good results in simple and even malignant forms. It also worked well with scrofulous and bony lesions, which are accompanied by liquid pus with a characteristic odor and small bloody impurities. The condition of such damages worsens with cold compresses.
  2. Gastrointestinal problems. It can be diarrhea, flatulence, vomiting, nausea and pain in the abdomen.
  3. Carbuncles and boils that have different formation times.
  4. Purulent mastitis, which led to the appearance of a large scar.
  5. Spikes resulting from surgery or disease. Also here you can include infertility, which is associated with problems of the fallopian tubes due to seals.
  6. Acne.
  7. Fibroids of the uterus.
  8. Eczema, accompanied by itching, rashes and discharge, having an unpleasant odor.
  9. Deformation of nails, white spots, stratification, which are caused by fungal infection.
  10. Painful hard formations on the soles of the feet.