Cone behind the ear

If suddenly it is found that behind the ear on the bone there is a lump and it hurts, this is a serious reason to call a doctor. In no case, with such a symptom, you can not grind, warm and independently subject others to such an effect, otherwise it may lead to an aggravation of the situation. Treatment should be determined only by a specialist after finding out the causes of the bumps behind the ears.

The causes of cones behind the ear

Consider what factors can trigger the onset of this symptom most often.


Inflammation of the parotid lymph nodes is the most common cause of cones behind the ears. Thus, the lymphatic system can respond to the presence of a viral or bacterial infection in nearby organs and tissues. In most cases, inflammation of the lymph nodes is a reaction to the following diseases:

As a rule, with lymphadenitis, there is an appearance of seals behind both ears. These cones are not very dense, painful, do not move under the skin under pressure, and the skin above them may be slightly reddish. In more severe cases, suppuration of the lymph nodes may occur, while symptoms of intoxication of the body are observed: headache, nausea, weakness, fever.


Fatty tumor - this diagnosis is also common when a lump appears near the ear. Lipoma is a benign tumor that is formed due to the growth of adipose tissue. The reason for this is the changes in metabolic processes in the body. Distinctive characteristics of a fatty tumor are painlessness, softness, mobility. As a rule, such formations slowly increase in size and do not cause any discomfort. However, in some cases, a rapid growth of linden and compression of surrounding tissues is possible.


In other words - the cyst of the sebaceous gland. In this case, the cone behind the ear is small, roundish, painless when probed, soft and moves along with the skin. Its appearance is associated with blockage of the sebaceous gland, which begins to be filled with a secret. If you look at this compaction, you can see a small dark point that clogs the outlet of the gland duct. The cause of blockage can serve as an increase in the viscosity of the secretion of the sebaceous gland, thickening of the epidermis, etc. Although atheroma does not directly harm the health, its long existence and growth can lead to inflammation, suppuration, which eventually may result in tumor opening and soft tissue abscess.


"Pig" - this viral disease affects many organs and systems simultaneously. The appearance of cones behind the ears is explained by the inflammation of the salivary glands , and the swelling can spread to the cheeks and ears. In this case, cones are painful not only when touched, but also when the mouth is opened, chewing, swallowing. In addition, there are symptoms such as:

Treating cones behind the ear

If the lump behind the ear is associated with inflammation of the lymph nodes or salivary glands, then no effect on the formation is required, and only the treatment of the underlying disease is performed. However, in the case of purulent lymphadenitis , antibiotic therapy and surgical intervention may be required. In other cases, in order to avoid complications, as a rule, prompt removal of such formations is recommended. In addition to the surgical method, a laser and a radio wave method can be used for this.