Gingerbread cake

If there is no time to prepare this sponge cake for the cake, but you still want to treat your household with your own cooked dish - choose your gingerbread cake. Depending on the type of gingerbread , the cakes can turn out classic, chocolate or mint - at your discretion.

Cake of gingerbread and bananas



Gingerbread is cut across slices of medium thickness. Bananas cut in circles and sprinkled with lemon juice, so as not to darken. Sour cream with a mixer whisked with sugar until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved.

The baking dish is covered with a food film and begins to form our cake. First lay a layer of gingerbread, lubricate them with sour cream , then distribute bananas and again repeat the whole sequence. We leave the cake in the fridge for 3-4 hours for impregnation.

To decorate the cake, we will prepare chocolate icing. To do this, in the saucepan, melt the butter and mix it with sugar, cocoa powder, and water. Glaze boil until thick and cover it with cake. The edges of the cake of gingerbread and sour cream are sprinkled with grated chocolate.

Gingerbread cake with sour cream



Gingerbread is cut into thin slices along. Some of the gingerbread is left for decoration, and the rest will go to make a cake.

Whisk the sour cream with sugar until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved. To sour cream add a third of all the raspberries and again whisk everything to homogeneity. Each piece of gingerbread dipped in the resulting cream and put into a baking dish, covered with a film. We put the cake for 2-3 hours in the fridge, after which we remove it from the mold and put it on the dish. Lubricate the edges of the cake with the remaining sour cream and sprinkle with grated cakes. The top of the cake is decorated with fresh berries and nuts. By the way, for preparation it is not necessary to use only raspberries or strawberries, safely replace them with fresh or freshly frozen berries.

The recipe for chocolate cakes cake



Whisk the sour cream with sugar until the crystals are dissolved. Gingerbreads are cut into thin slices along. Similarly, we cut and marshmallow. The form for the cake is covered with a sheet of food film and we start spreading layers of our cake on it. The first layer is laid gingerbread, smear them with sour cream, then distribute the circles of marshmallows and again repeat the given sequence of layers. Once the cake is collected, put it soaked in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Part of the chocolate tile is left to decorate the dessert, and the second part we put on the water bath to melt together with the butter. With the resulting glaze we cover the cake extracted from the refrigerator. The side of the cake is sprinkled with grated chocolate (it can also be replaced with cocoa or chopped nuts), and the border between the icing and sprinkling is laid out with berries of sweet cherry.

If you wish, you can add such a dessert fruit, for example, bananas, kiwi, mandarins or oranges, previously cleaned from films. Fruit layers are laid between a layer of gingerbread and marshmallow.