Sequence of teething in children

In this article, we will talk about the appearance of teeth in children: the eruption scheme and the number of teeth in children, the basics of care for teeth and mouth, ways to help the child with teething.

The order of teething in the child

The question of which first teeth a child has and how much they need to start erupting cares for all young mothers. Meanwhile, the order of teeth growth in children has long been determined. The standard schedule for tooth growth in children is as follows:

Despite the existence of a detailed and generally recognized dentition scheme, small deviations in the time of eruption are not necessarily a deviation. Approximately 5 children from 10 thousand are born already with one or two teeth. Sometimes the teeth may appear in the first two months of life or vice versa, do not erupt until 12 months, and then in a short time, "get out" a few at once. To be frightened or worried is not necessary, especially if the teeth of the parents also erupted earlier or later than the "standard" period.

At normal development to three years the dentition of the kid should consist of 20 teeth. To loosen up or drop out a teeth at children start only to 5-7 years when there comes time of change of molar teeth on constant.

If the order or timing of the appearance of your baby's teeth is troubling you, consult a dentist for advice.

Symptoms of teething start

As a rule, the beginning of teething in a child refers to the age of about 3-4 months. At this time, the baby becomes restless, moody, sleep and appetite disorders are observed, salivation increases, the gums often become inflamed, the baby starts "to try on the tooth", in some cases there is a slight runny nose, fever and even diarrhea. To help the crumb, you can give him special toys - "teethers" for gum massage and their development, and in cases where the child is very much crying and suffering from pain, you can lubricate the gums with special analgesic gels or use homeopathic medicines (only as prescribed by the doctor) . Of course, many babies survive the period of the appearance of teeth almost imperceptibly - without apparent problems with sleep, appetite or even mood, but still parents should prepare and learn more about the timing and order of the appearance of teeth. It happens that the eruption of different teeth in the same child occurs in different ways, for example, the first teeth appeared unnoticed, and all subsequent teeth are accompanied by an increase in temperature, runny nose and hysterics, or vice versa - by "protruding" on the first teeth, the child subsequently no longer suffers from teething.

The development of the child's teeth begins in the prenatal period (in the womb), which is why it is so important for a pregnant woman to observe the correct diet and make her diet diverse and full. Since the appearance of the first tooth, parents should carefully monitor the oral hygiene of the child, from time to time brushing the teeth with a special brush (as a rule, such brushes are made of silicone or soft rubber). A one-year-old crumb can be started to show how to properly brush your teeth, and in two or three years the baby can fully cope with brushing your teeth yourself. The main thing is to choose the right baby toothpaste and brush.