Removal of milk teeth

First-graders with their teeth dropped out - a familiar picture? So it was arranged by mother nature that the baby teeth are replaced by the permanent ones just at the age of six, therefore, at their very first "first bell", the children should appear in such a not very presentable form.

The big question for parents is what to do with the tooth of a child who began to stagger - do you wait until he falls out himself, help pull him out or go to the dentist?

Do I need to pull out my baby teeth?

Many people think that the main indication for the removal of milk teeth is the appearance of a new tooth in place of the old one. However, this is not an unconditional rule. If the tooth only seemed, it may be worth waiting for a few days - and the previous one will fall by itself.

If this does not happen, how to tear out the milk tooth?

Offer the child to chew something hard, an apple or carrots. The child can cheat, be cautious and start chewing on the other side. In this case, promise the baby a tooth reward. Tell, for example, that he will receive for it a coveted toy. Perhaps this will convince him not to be afraid.

Another way proven by years is to tie a tooth with a strong thread, distract the child and sharply pull vertically out of the gum. Try not to pull aside, so the wound will be less. Do not forget to let the baby rinse your mouth with an antiseptic or put the cotton wool soaked by it.

How do children lose their teeth at the dentist?

However, if you observe an intensive growth of molars, and milk, despite the load, does not drop out, you will have to take your child to the dentist.

To remove baby teeth in a child, doctors use special forceps, which are designed for the baby's fragile baby tooth (so as not to crush it during stretching) and do not allow the tooth to advance during the operation deep into the gums.

Avoiding a visit to the dentist about a non-falling milk tooth can be helped by regular preventive consultation with a specialist who will notice the possible problems of your child in the mouth at the right time.