The Signs of Clean Thursday and Good Friday

For a religious person who professes Orthodoxy, these days are special, exactly, like the entire Holy Week, traditions and omens of which many people know and observe. Let's see what the signs of Clean Thursday and Good Friday exist, what must be done these days, and what significance is given to these traditions.

Pure Thursdays

On this day it is important to visit the bathhouse and carefully clean the entire house and yard. It is believed that by doing this you can not only clean your home from evil, but also get rid of diseases. As a rule, you have to start the day by cleaning an apartment or a house, because according to tradition, it will be necessary to carefully clean all rooms and other premises. That is, you need to do a spring cleaning.

After the housing is put in order, you need to visit the sauna. Steam helps a person get rid of their ills and evil slanders and on ordinary days, and on Pure Thursday and does have a miracle power. This is exactly what our ancestors believed, who tried to visit the bath regularly. When you go to the steam room, do not forget to bring along two brooms, birch and oak, the first will improve the body, and the second will help strengthen the strength of the spirit.

Also, people's signs on Pure Thursday will help get rid of lack of money. At this time, you can hold the following ritual, take all the small things from your wallet, fill it up in a basin or a bowl of water and wash it there saying "How much water in the seas and oceans, so much money in my pockets, how the water in the world is eternal, so and my prosperity is infinite. " After you say the plot three times, you need to take out the small thing, dry it and put it back in the purse. This ritual can be done only in the interval between sunrise and noon, otherwise there will be no sense from it.

Another thing that needs to be done on this day is to put a spit on the cake and bake it. If you do not do this yourself, but buy ready-made products, you will also get an Easter cake on Thursday. Only such an Easter cake is considered a miracle cake.

Signs and customs of Friday Holy Week

Friday in Holy Week should be held in prayer and tranquility, just so Orthodox people believe and it was in this our ancestors believed. According to the biblical texts, on this day Jesus Christ was crucified, which suffered for us to live. In memory of his suffering and martyrdom, it is customary not to have fun on this day, but to devote it to prayer.

Do not recommend on Good Friday to do some household chores, such as washing, general cleaning, chopping firewood or working in the suburban area. It is believed that this can bring on trouble, provoke the appearance of diseases and other misfortunes. Men are forbidden to put iron objects into the ground on this day, as according to the beliefs, this will lead to the deterioration of the health of the representative of the stronger sex. Gossip, scandal and quarrel, that's what you can not do on Good Friday and generally before Easter. This is the most important week of fasting, during which a person must be cleansed spiritually, and such work on himself excludes resentment, quarrels, slander and profanity. It is a great sin not to behave with restraint and humility these days, just so many believers believe.

The people still have a belief that on Good Friday you can not give any debts, because you can give your happiness and prosperity together with the borrowed money. Therefore, try to return all borrowed until the day comes, preferably on the eve, on Clean Thursday, when it is customary to cleanse everything, including debts.