Sex education

A lot of demands are made on the modern woman. In addition to being a skilled guardian of the home, successful in working and building a career, she also needs to be able to show herself as a skillful mistress in bed. Sex education for girls begins quite early, many take an example from glossy publications and television, where they tirelessly insist that it is inexcusable to be a teapot in the theme of a love-making art.

Where to learn sex?

But how to learn sex, if you do not get any practical experience with anyone - do not jump because of this in bed with a person with questionable decency? Unfortunately, many girls act this way, but in vain. After all, it is important that the first experience was positive, and without love, without reciprocal feelings, it is difficult for a woman to relax, open up, and, moreover, get an orgasm. It is much safer for health and it is easier to learn morally how to take sex techniques thoroughly in theory, and then move on to practice.

How difficult it was for our mothers and grandmothers: before there was a huge deficit of information about sex. However, then in mod was a modesty, and, according to the older generation, "married girls went out." And the question of teaching sex was raised only by "girls of easy virtue". Now, to be savvy and erudite in matters of intimacy is not a problem. Now on thematic sites original articles are placed, in large cities trainings are held, there are special forums where you will be popularly told what you can do in sex and what is absolutely undesirable. On this subject educational videos are produced. On the shelves of bookstores there are a lot of books and magazines for different tastes and a purse with colorful, bright headlines, where sex advice gives everything from experienced sexologists and ending with the stars of show business. After reading a couple of such Talmuds, any woman will know what to do in sex to get an unprecedented orgasm. The basic postulates: do not complex and not be modest, take the initiative, do not lie like a nice log and do not joke during such a responsible business. In the end, you can resort to the advice of friends, because each of them probably have a couple of "chips" and techniques.

Learn sex yourself

Prior to training sex with a reliable partner, it is also good, in addition to owning theory, also to explore your body and find erogenous zones, to understand the nature of your desires. After all, the pleasure of sex depends not only on the experience of the lover and the change of poses. The degree of emancipation of women, the ability to achieve orgasm itself, promote good sex with a partner.

Without practice, it is difficult to understand which sex is better - all people are different, and preferences also vary. If in an erotic film you saw that incredible pleasure delivers sex in the sea or in a pose standing near a tree, then in real life, sand hit all the secluded places, small crustaceans in the sea, ants crawling on their feet during sex, full of passion is not at all contribute to pleasure. Only by joint efforts you can understand what kind, position, sex place from a huge variety are acceptable and enjoyable. Just do not dwell on the same thing: what you did not like in the summer, does not necessarily seem the same winter.

How to do oral sex, any man will tell you. From the main recommendations you need to know that the sensitive area is located near the bridle of the penis, along the penis below, as well as in the area of ​​the testicles and perineum. Remembering these recommendations and using them during sex, you can enjoy even without the luggage of a huge experience. Be interested in your partner, what exactly he likes most, fantasize, and then you will discover for him new facets of pleasure.

Pros of sex

The answer to the question, why people have sex, is quite obvious:

People have sex to express their feelings, tenderness, affection, feel desirable, attractive and loved. Good sex strengthens the relationship between two lovers.

Can sex bring harm?

Let's look at this question from the other side and find out whether sex is harmful. Of course, there are certain circumstances when it is not worth doing, or you need to do it with caution. If it turns out that there is nothing to protect, do not take risks - a short time of pleasure is not equivalent to fears and feelings about unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases. It happens that during pregnancy, with the warning of a doctor, it is worth exhibiting an endurance. If you are sure of a partner and there are no obstacles, then why not deliver each other pleasure and do not increase the life expectancy?