Sexual abstinence

Doctors can not accurately respond badly, or, conversely, it is useful to arrange a sex hunger strike. However, on the opinion that sex is useful, perhaps, everything converges.

Individual need for sex

For each of us, the need for sex is strictly individual. For people with high sexual needs, sexual abstinence will be considered and 5 days without sex. At the same time, people with normal, average sexuality can "live" without sex a month, and those that are least susceptible to erotic impulses - even more than a year.

In addition, the desire to have sex can both fade and resume, depending on the events in our life - stresses or, conversely, joyful events. Therefore, this kind of long abstinence from sex can be completely harmless, if (!) It does not cause psychological discomfort to a person.

What is sexual abstinence?

Do not confuse the concept. Many people call sexual abstinence the lack of desire to have sex. In fact, these are completely different concepts, albeit related.

Abstinence is when you "want", but you do not realize your desire. The best example is a married couple, where a man simply does not "want" because of problems at work, and a woman "wants", but she abstains because of a lack of desire from her husband.

Harm or benefit?

Once again, it should be emphasized: sexual abstinence harms only when it gives you psychological discomfort. You constantly think about sex, you can not work, watch movies, learn - and everything, because your thoughts are concentrated on the fact of sexual unconsciousness.

So, whether sexual abstinence is harmful, first of all, sexual abstinence , leads to the fact that eventually the desire fades away altogether. This is a protective reaction of the body. For example: a faithful wife waits a long time for her husband from a business trip, refraining from having sexual intercourse with other men. What happens as a result? The husband comes, and the wife does not have any desire to have sex with him.

Abstinence in both women and men leads to the fact that the hormones of sexual attraction are simply are recycled. In addition, people who constantly suppress the interest in sex, are more likely to suffer from depression, neurosis, hysterics.

As for women's diseases, they develop again on the basis of psychological discomfort. Statistics are cruel: among women who live a regular sex life, breast cancer is much less common than among their chaste contemporaries.

And for men, a set with prolonged abstinence is easily predictable - prostatitis and impotence.

The conclusion: to restrain oneself is generally harmful. This applies to both physiological needs, and just emotions.