Shark Fat for Joints

Nature has taken care of man to have medicines from most diseases, the main task of civilization is to find the necessary curative components and study them. The inhabitants of Scandinavia first started using shark fat for joints, but later the sailors of the whole world used it for centuries. Nowadays you do not need to go to sea to get shark fat - just visit the nearest pharmacy.

Joints without pain with Cream Shark Fat

Cream for pain in joints Shark fat is created specifically for those who are used to trusting the healing power of nature. There are no artificial chemical components in it, and the main active substances are not subjected to heating, or other procedures that reduce their effectiveness. In addition to shark fat in the cream, there are plant extracts that enhance blood circulation in the tissues, having a slight warming effect, allowing the fat from the shark liver to act faster. That's why shark fat from joint pain helps quickly, and the effect of this drug lasts a long time. In the composition of natural shark fat unique components:

Camphor, which is added to the cream as an anti-inflammatory drug, also has a beneficial effect on the elasticity of ligaments and tendons.

Treatment of joints with shark fat

Shark fat during the destruction of joints can stop this process and strengthen the cartilaginous tissue, but the agent can not completely restore the area affected by arthrosis. For this reason, doctors recommend using the drug for preventive purposes:

To significantly ease the condition with inflammation of the joint, arthritis, means to prevent its further destruction, arthrosis. For prophylactic purposes, Shark Oil should be applied to the joint that is bothering you 2 times a day. Before this, you need to thoroughly clean and massage the skin so that the product is absorbed better. The amount of cream should not be too large to not cause skin irritation. Especially this applies to those who are prone to allergies, because camphor and fat are biologically active substances. The course of use is 3-4 weeks.

Those who need the cream, not for prevention, but for the treatment of joint diseases, need more intensive use of the drug. You can lubricate the joint every time you feel severe pain, but not more often than 5 times a day. As a rule, relief comes in 10-15 minutes. Here are the main properties of the drug:

Acquire Cream Shark fat can be in the pharmacy, or one of the online stores. Pay attention to the fact that the drug has contraindications - it can not be used in pregnancy, as well as with individual sensitivity to the drug component. Also, shark fat is not recommended to be applied to damaged areas of the skin and open wounds.