Arthritis of the fingers

Arthritis is a disease that is widespread among a population of people. This is a collective name for joint lesions, which can be both primary and associated due to the development of another disease (for example, with rheumatism).

Every year more and more people turn to doctors with symptoms of arthritis, and scientists from Canada suggest that in a year's time patients with such a disease will be 1 million more. Such a difficult situation requires taking measures - first of all, it is necessary to disseminate information about the prevention of the disease, and also to appoint competent treatment and to seek more effective ways to combat this pathology.

Arthritis of the joints of the fingers can have both acute and chronic form, and also affect one or several joints at once.

Symptoms of Arthritis of the fingers

Before you cure arthritis of your fingers, you need to make sure - whether the diagnosis is correct. To do this, you need to carefully study the symptoms of the disease, as well as the factors that contribute to its development.

First of all, arthritis occurs in people over 40 years old - the age factor is relevant for most diseases that affect joints, and arthritis is no exception.

Unlike arthrosis, which is considered a degenerative disease accompanied by degenerative processes in the joints and is characterized by a pain syndrome in the morning hours during movement, arthritis is a manifestation of an inflammatory process that affects the entire body.

Pain syndrome in arthritis

Arthritis is characterized by pain syndrome only in the evening hours, and its occurrence is not associated with movement. A person experiences acute pain, which is difficult to eliminate with the help of medication. Gradually, the body, getting used to NSAIDs, reacts poorly to their intake, and this requires an increase in dosage.

Often physicians are of the opinion that arthrosis is a complication of untreated arthritis.

Time of development of the disease

Arthritis can have two forms - in acute form the disease develops rapidly, and sometimes unexpectedly for the patient. In this case, feverish conditions are not uncommon.

In chronic form, the disease slowly progresses and gradually the attacks of pain become more frequent.

The main symptoms of arthritis:

Causes of arthritis of the fingers:

How to treat arthritis of the fingers?

Treatment of arthritis of the fingers is long and complex. First of all, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate pain, as well as the causes of the disease.

For treatment, NSAIDs are prescribed as injections:

Ointments for arthritis of the fingers are also used - for local treatment, ointments are needed, the main active substance of which belongs to the class of NSAIDs. Often, NSAIDs are available in different forms with the same name (for example, Diclofenac), and therefore it is not difficult to find such ointment.

Glucocorticosteroid medications are often used to relieve acute symptoms.

Prevention of arthritis of the fingers:

  1. Strengthening the immune system.
  2. Hardening of the body.
  3. Decrease in the diet of salt and sugar.
  4. Rejection of bad habits.