Broccoli cabbage - useful properties

It turns out that some green vegetable can be no less nutritious than a piece of beef or egg. And, most of all, with all this, you also have a super low calorie content, as well as a solid list of enviable qualities. It's about the broccoli cabbage and its beneficial properties, which, good, she has more than enough.


Low-calorie, protein, vitaminized, in the end, a delicious product - this is the main features of our cabbage. The description of what is useful in broccoli, of course, must begin with the composition.


Due to its unique composition, broccoli is used almost on a par with medicines in the treatment of many diseases. Moreover, the calorie content of 100 g of broccoli is only 34 kcal, it contains a lot of protein and a lot of fiber.


The first, than useful cabbage broccoli is fiber . 100 g of the product contains 13% of the daily fiber norm, which even in such quantity is excellent to cope with constipation and low activity of the intestinal peristalsis. Due to fiber, broccoli is also very satisfying - caloric content is meager, and hunger will retreat for a long time. Is it worth emphasizing that this property is useful to you and in losing weight?

Observant people probably noticed a light pollen, which is added to the head of broccoli - this substance activates all the functions of the body, it is for this reason that broccoli should be consumed as often as possible raw.

Broccoli is used in the treatment of cataracts, as well as any problems with the lens and retina. Most often, during the recovery from operations performed on the visual apparatus, doctors recommend simply eating the broccoli.

Also, without broccoli, it can not do in the treatment of ulcers, colitis, dysbiosis. Broccoli activates the outflow of bile, so it is also useful for the liver, both prophylactically and medically.

Broccoli and Cancer

Many have heard about the effectiveness of cancer treatment with the use of broccoli. Yes, no matter how ridiculous it may sound, a casket can open up quite easily. Scientifically proven that broccoli is particularly useful in the treatment and prevention of cancer of the digestive tract. Also one should note one more thing, what is useful for broccoli for women. Due to the same substance that helps with cancer of the digestive system (sulforaphane), broccoli actively fights against breast cancer and skin cancer. In the composition of this type of cabbage there are several components that, first, prevent the reproduction of cancer cells, and then destroy the neoplasms themselves. Well, and, of course, you can not do this without activating the human immune system.

For losing weight

We have already mentioned two useful properties of broccoli for weight loss - low calorie and fiber. So, that's not all. Broccoli also activates carbohydrate and fat metabolism, and the body spends more energy on digesting the product than it gets from digesting - this is called negative calorie.

For active weight loss, we recommend sticking to the diet menu on broccoli, well, and of course, include this cabbage in your daily


diet .

Broccoli, as you may have guessed, is a very active product. Therefore, to be useful to everyone, this relative of cauliflower can not theoretically. It is dangerous and should be avoided by people with pancreatic diseases. This applies specifically to fiber (very rough), which contains broccoli. It activates digestion, and the sick pancreas must produce enzymes, which, due to illness, will harm the body itself.

Also, do not eat broccoli cabbage to people with high acidity and individual intolerance to the product.