Kizilovoe jam with pits - benefit

This delicious and fragrant jam is loved by many people, but not everyone knows what effect this delicacy has on the body, what vitamins and minerals are contained there. But this is quite an important information, since the cousin jam with bones brings not only good.

Benefits and harm of cornelian jam with bones

To understand the effect of this delicacy on the human body, let's first talk about what substances and vitamins it contains. So, in this jam you will find ascorbic acid, vitamins E , R and carotene (provitamin A). All these substances are necessary for our body, for example, vitamin C helps to strengthen immunity, being a natural protection of a person from diseases. Vitamins E and P contribute to skin turgor, help to ensure the normal functioning of cells, affect the metabolic processes. The lack of these substances adversely affects the state of the digestive system, the conductivity of nerve fibers.

Useful properties of cornelian jam with bones are also that in this jam there is potassium, iron, sulfur, magnesium. These substances contribute to the strengthening of the heart muscle, increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, the normalization of hemoglobin. They also help to strengthen bone tissue, positively influence the activity of neurons of the brain, that is, ensure their normal functioning. Deficiency of these substances leads to increased fragility of bones, insomnia, a decrease in the speed of thought processes, the development of anemia.

Briefly summarizing, it can be said that using this delicacy helps to prevent the emergence and development of many ailments that may be caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. Also speaking about the usefulness of cornel jam, we can not fail to mention that by the amount of ascorbic acid, this jam is ahead of even the lemon. Having eaten a few spoonfuls of this delicacy during the flu and cold season, you will protect yourself from them.

Now let's talk about what harm this product can bring. Despite the fact that the benefits of dogwood jam are very high, some people can not afford to eat it.

  1. First, do not eat this jam for those who suffer from allergies, a high content of vitamin C can trigger an exacerbation of the disease, cause the appearance of urticaria , swelling of the maxillary sinuses and throat.
  2. Secondly, jam is quite high-calorie, it is not recommended to eat it in large quantities for those who are overweight or want to get rid of several kilograms. Due to the high sugar content, you should not use it for people with obesity and diabetes.
  3. Thirdly, it is not advised to eat jam to people with weak and thin enamel of teeth, sugar and organic acids will adversely affect its condition. Dentists say that using jam every day, you can provoke the development of carious processes, and this sooner or later will lead to the need to fill the teeth.

Thus, if you do not want to harm your health, be sure to consult with your doctor and ask about the possibility of including this delicacy in your diet, or observe the usage rate of jam. As a rule, experts advise not to eat more than 3-4 tablespoons. jam a day, only with a cold you can increase the norm by 2-3 tablespoons, as ascorbic acid will positively affect the work of the immune system and help you to get back on your feet.