Stevia - contraindications

Stevia is a plant that was bred in Paraguay. Today almost all those who try to lead a healthy lifestyle know about its existence. The matter is that stevia is used as a sweetener.

Features of stevia, properties and contraindications

Stevia is a very sweet plant, which, unlike sugar, is less caloric. Therefore, stevia is often used as a basis for biological supplements that help to reduce excess weight. This plant also improves metabolism and is actively used to restore metabolism.

Today, stevia as a medicine is prescribed not only by those physicians who practice traditional medicine methods, quite often professional doctors resort to the help of this "product nature". And certainly neither one nor the other side undertakes to refute the medicinal properties of stevia.

The numerous advantages that stevia possesses (there are contraindications to this plant also, and they will be discussed below) make this herb ever more popular:

  1. Stevia leaves are a source of vitamins and minerals.
  2. The plant normalizes the pressure.
  3. Stevia can be considered a classy antioxidant.
  4. Medicinal preparations based on stevia perfectly purify the blood and the body from toxins.
  5. The plant is able to enhance human immunity .

However, due to the fact that the stevia grass contraindications are serious enough, it is recommended to undergo a survey and get professional advice before the beginning of its reception.

Stevia leaves - contraindications for use

Like any drug, Stevia, despite its natural origin, has some contraindications to the use. For this reason, self-medication (even this one hundred percent natural remedy) is strictly forbidden: before the wellness course one should receive specialist appointments. Any doctor will tell you that stevia is a medicinal herb, contraindications to which are quite few, but you can not neglect them in any case:

  1. The most famous contraindication is an individual intolerance to a plant by an organism. Only the doctor will be able to determine whether a patient can take stevia in at least small doses, or is strictly forbidden to use it. To identify intolerance, you must pass a series of tests, which, as you can imagine, can not be done at home.
  2. Another problem that can be encountered, using grass uncontrollably and with frequent interruptions, is pressure jumps. Excessive use of stevia will lead to a slowing of the heartbeat, and too small doses will cause the acceleration of the pulse.
  3. Stevia is strictly contraindicated in diabetes mellitus . Only the doctor can allow the use of drugs based on the leaves of stevia. In this case, the doses of the drug should be strictly stipulated, and the prescriptions of the doctor should be obeyed Urgently.

Although stevia and has a lot of benefits, you can not take medicine on its basis uncontrolled. Moreover - you can not prescribe yourself a medical treatment, relying only on the advice of network users on forums and thematic portals. On the Internet, you can find quite contradictory information about the properties and features of stevia. To place all points over i will be able only by a specialist.

As you can see, there are serious contra-indications to the use of stevia honey grass, ignoring which can seriously damage health.