Snoring - treatment at home

Many people perceive snoring as an unpleasant physiological feature, and do not even realize that it can be dangerous to health. Physicians found that people who snore have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, so this problem should push the "snoring" to an additional examination.

It is also interesting to discover Italian scientists who have determined that systematic snoring leads to destructive changes in the brain, because of which the mental abilities of a person are significantly reduced. Fortunately, you can get rid of snoring: both with the help of folk remedies, and with the help of exercises, as well as special adaptations.

Snoring - Causes and Treatment

During a person's snoring, the tongue and the soft palate relax excessively, which causes the pharyngeal tissues to vibrate.

As a rule, this is a consequence of the aging of the body, however, relaxation of the soft palate and tongue can be observed at a young age. To the reasons of snoring also include disorders in the nervous system of the body, propensity to edema and high blood pressure. Sometimes snoring can occur due to the wrong position of the head during sleep: for example, because of a narrow uncomfortable bed or an excessively large pillow.

It is believed that this phenomenon - the "privilege" of men, but snoring manifests itself in women and children.

Children's snoring more often occurs because of a common cold and passes after recovery. However, the cause may be enlarged adenoids: in any case, to treat children's snoring, first of all you need to contact the otolaryngologist, and if he does not discover pathologies, you need to look for other causes with the help of a neurologist and cardiologist.

Treatment of snoring is nonspecific: with it effective and folk remedies, and a set of exercises, as well as special pillows. Drug treatment is required only in extreme cases, when snoring leads to apnea.

Exercises from snoring:

Pillow from snoring and features of the position of the body in a dream

People prone to snoring are not recommended to sleep on their backs, since in this position the risk of the appearance of vibration increases.

Also today, there are special orthopedic pillows that help the neck to be in the right position during sleep: they are sewn so that blood circulation is not disturbed (which often causes swelling at night, which can also be the reason for snoring) and the head was in a comfortable position without curvature.

Most often these pillows consist of a synthetic material: latex, polyester or viscoelastic foam, which have moderate elasticity, unlike feather or down pillows. In the market for such products, you can find a pillow filled with buckwheat husk - especially for those who do not like using synthetic materials.

Folk remedies for snoring

Folk remedies against snoring are quite effective, and with systematic application they allow you to get rid of the snoring from this feature, even with many years of experience.

One of these means consists of the juice of cabbage leaf and honey: place 1 cabbage leaf in the juicer 1, and add 1 tablespoon to the resulting juice. honey. This drug should be taken daily at bedtime for 2 weeks.

Also, sea buckthorn helps with snoring: 3 times a day for a month drink 1 tsp. sea-buckthorn oil: it will relax the muscles and soften the tissues, which will help to forget about snoring for a long time.