Alcohol poisoning - first aid

Alcohol poisoning refers to a sharp deterioration in health due to the use of a large amount of substance containing ethyl alcohol. This can be a reaction of the body to completely benign alcohol or to liquid-surrogates. In case of acute poisoning, it is necessary to call a doctor, and what measures should be taken in anticipation of it, we will tell below.

How to recognize alcohol poisoning?

The dose of ethanol, leading to poisoning, is individual for each person. Deterioration of health occurs after a single dose of a large number of benign alcohol or a small amount of surrogate fluid.

Acute alcohol poisoning is accompanied not only by the headache and vomiting characteristic of hangover syndrome, but also:

With severe poisoning a person loses consciousness, falling into a so-called alcoholic coma. At the same time, he ceases to react to stimuli (noise, light, voices), poisoned can not be "awakened" neither by speech, nor by patting his cheeks. Sometimes stimuli can cause defensive, non-purposeful movements with hands or feet, turning the head. Comatose state is often accompanied by discharge from the nose, abundant salivation and involuntary urination. The most dangerous is vomiting, since a person without consciousness can be choked with vomit. That's why first aid for alcohol poisoning should start with checking the breathing of the victim, as well as cleaning the oral cavity from the contents of the stomach.

Helping a person unconscious

Poisoned should be shifted to a couch, bed or sofa. The most secure posture is on the side. The victim is checked for breathing and pulse. If there is a suspicion of the presence of vomit in the airway, the victim should be forced to clear his throat, tilting it and patting between the shoulder blades. You can bring to the nose of a poisoned cotton wool, moistened with ammonia. To give a sniff the bottle is by no means possible, since there is a risk of accidentally tipping the contents of a person.

Vomit from the mouth is removed with a spoon wrapped with a bandage. In no case should you try to rinse your stomach with a person unconscious or give him any medication.


Also, the first first aid for alcohol poisoning and unconscious development should be to stimulate cardiac activity. To do this, use acupressure.

The first and second points are massaged at the same time, while the victim must lie or sit. Massage the third point is effectively supplemented by rubbing the auricles.

Poisoning by surrogates

In addition to alcohol poisoning can cause a liquid containing ethanol as an auxiliary (cologne, perfume and other cosmetic and perfume products). To a more serious poisoning leads the reception of acetone, toluene, ethyl acetate, solvents. The most dangerous substitutes for alcohol are methanol, brake fluid, dichloroethane.

The first help in poisoning with alcoholic substitutes for alcohol is in washing the stomach. If the victim is unconscious, then it is necessary to act as described above and wait for the doctor to arrive.

Helping people in their minds

If the victim has not fallen into a coma, first aid for acute alcohol poisoning is as follows: