Peach oil - application

Persian apples, known to us as peaches, have long been compared by poets with a delicate female skin. The homeland of peaches is considered to be China, but this did not prevent the spread of these tasty and useful fruits beyond its limits: today the peach is not an exotic fruit for us and it is widely used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine.

Peach oil: application in cosmetology and its useful properties

Peach oil is made from the bones of fruits with the help of cold pressing, which allows to preserve the useful properties of this substance. It has a very pleasant, mild flavor and a gentle yellow color. If there are sharp smells in it, it means that impurities were added to the oil.

Most often it does not cause allergic reactions, it is easily and quickly absorbed into the skin and hair, and because of this it is convenient to use in cosmetology both as masks and in pure form.

First of all, in oil in a large quantity contains vitamins E, A, P, and C. Useful for skin and hair vitamins E, A, P, C. Mineral composition of peach oil is also rich: it contains zinc, calcium, iron, iodine, phosphorus and potassium.

Peach oil for the face

1. Peach oil for eyelashes. To accelerate the growth of eyelashes and strengthen them, use this mixture: 4 tbsp. peach butter and 1 tbsp. l. castor. Oils must be mixed well, and applied to eyelashes before bedtime. With discomfort, it can be left only for an hour, and then rinse with warm water.

2. Peach oil from acne. Masks with peach oil help to relieve inflammation, but they are not recommended regularly to avoid pores. To do this, mix the green clay with peach oil in such quantity that the creamy mass is obtained. Then the mask should be applied to the face and wait about 15 minutes.

3. Peach oil for the lips. Peach, like any other oil, is best used in a mixture with others: so if the lips have become rough, and their skin is inelastic, mix the peach and jojoba oil. The best effect is achieved if the product is left on the lips for the whole night. Jojoba oil will soften the skin, and peach will disinfect and heal microcracks.

4. Peach oil from wrinkles. There is one effective mask that not only moisturizes the skin, but feeds it, so that the upper layer of the dermis is smoothed out, becoming more elastic: mix 1 tablespoon. Peach oil with pulp of peach or cucumber, add 1 tbsp. l. cream or sour cream. This mask is suitable for fading skin and quite effectively smooths complexion. It is applied for 10-15 minutes and then washed off with warm water.

5. Peach oil for eyebrows. To make the eyebrows more dense, give them a saturated color and accelerate growth, apply a mixture of three oils daily in equal proportions: peach, castor and burdock.

6. Peach oil for eyelids. Peach oil in the care of centuries has two "competitors": castor and grape oils. The last two are very popular, but they have those disadvantages that peaches do not have: grapes in many can cause allergy, and castor oil is very heavy and some feel uncomfortable on the skin. Therefore, the peach in the win before them with its hypoallergenic and light consistency: apply before bedtime or make make-up eyelids with the help of this oil and the skin will gradually become resilient.

Peach Body Oil

1. Peach oil from stretch marks. This oil can prevent the appearance of stretch marks or reduce them if they still have a pinkish color: rub a mixture of peach, lemon (8 drops) and grape oil daily in problem areas, where the first and last are mixed in equal proportions.

2. Peach oil for nails. To strengthen the nails, make a mixture of peach, sesame and orange oils for 2 tbsp. l. and rub each day into the nail plate after warm baths with sea salt. In a week the effect will be on the face.