Steamed rice is good and bad

Many consumers, buying in the store steamed rice, vaguely imagine the difference of this cereal from other species, for example, ordinary white polished rice. Most buyers have heard the opinion of nutritionists that in the process of cleaning and polishing cereal products lose a large number of nutrients. Externally, such croup is distinguished by its brownish color, vitreousness and light transparency, many more useful substances remain inside it.

The benefits and harm of steamed rice

The steaming process takes place in the unpurified state, so a large number of vitamins and minerals from the rice skin turn into grain. And this is the main factor of what is useful steamed rice. When processing rice passes several stages - soaking the whole raw grain, steaming and pressure, drying and grinding. It is this kind of grain processing that allows you to store the maximum of useful substances in rice.

Useful properties and features of steamed rice:

Caloric content of raw steamed rice is not significantly different from simple grinded cereals, but in ready form due to more water the energy value of the dish is slightly lower. Porridge from white rice in 100 g has about 123 kcal, from steamed rice 110-116 kcal.

The harmful properties of rice can be attributed to the fact that one of its properties is a decrease in intestinal motility. People prone to constipation, you must combine rice with vegetables, fruits and dried fruits.

Steamed rice for weight loss

For anyone who follows their weight or seeks to lose weight, dietitians suggest using steamed rice as the main product for a diet or fasting days. Based on rice also Some types of therapeutic diets and systems for cleansing the body are built.

For losing weight, rice monoethic is often used, which is recommended to be observed for three days. At this time you only need to eat boiled rice without the addition of salt and oil. Due to the fact that steamed rice has a high concentration of vitamins and minerals, and is also a very nutritious product, this method of quickly getting rid of excess kilograms is considered the most sparing.

For longer diets, rice is used as a side dish, combining it with lean meat and various types of vegetables. Such a menu for a diet can be used for a long time without fear for the health of the body.