The number of calories for weight loss

Most nutritionists are advised to count daily the amount of calories eaten. Thanks to this you will be able to monitor and control your weight. It has long been calculated the required number of calories per day, for women it is approximately from 2100 to 3000 kcal, and for men from 2600 to 3200 kcal. But for the number to be more precise, you can use special formulas that will help you calculate the required number of calories specifically for you:

The Harris-Benedict formula

Women: 655.1 + 9.6 x M + 1.85 x P - 4.68 x G.

Men: 66.47 + 13.75 x M + 5.0 x P - 6.74 x G, where:

M - body weight (kg); P - growth (cm); G-age (years).

The Mifflin-San Jerura formula


10 x weight (in kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 5 x age (years) - 161


10 x weight (in kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 5 x age (years) + 5

It is best to choose the second option, because it is more modern and helps to take into account many aspects.

The number of calories for weight loss

Many women, in order to get rid of extra pounds, are ready to cut the calorie rate by 2 or even more times. This is not correct, since the minimum quantity, for the normal functioning of the body, is 1200 kcal. The number of calories to lose weight is necessary, reduce gradually. First, reduce it by 10%, if there is no result, then by another 10%, the main thing is do not go beyond the minimum.

Calorie table for some products:

Diet by number of calories

An approximate daily menu that allows you to get rid of extra pounds.

  1. Breakfast. The ideal option for a morning meal is a porridge cooked on the water. Complex carbohydrates will satiate the body for a long time. To diversify the dish, you can add your favorite fruit or berries.
  2. Dinner. Try to ensure that this meal was full and consisted of the first and second dishes. At lunch on your plate must be present proteins and carbohydrates.
  3. Dinner. In the evening, it is best to eat something light, for example, a vegetable salad. If this is not enough for you, then add some seafood or chicken breast.

Such a menu will allow you to lose weight, but at the same time get the necessary amount of calories for normal functioning.