Horoscope of Druids - trees

Celts - the northern civilization, once inhabited the territory of modern Scotland, Ireland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden. They were famous for their subtle knowledge of the connections between man and nature, they were known healers and magicians. They created a horoscope of Druids, based on trees, because of the whole plant world, trees played a cult role in the life of this people.

How to find your tree?

In order to find your Druid tree, you need to understand how this kind of horoscope is made up.

Druids divided the starry sky into 40 segments, and received 22 signs, 4 of which are unpaired, 18 - pair.

Unpaired signs are the days of the winter and summer solstice, as well as the autumn and spring equinox. Paired signs are determined by the axial principle - these are the dates when the Sun is at opposite points. That is, the horoscope combines under the same sign opposite periods of the year, located opposite each other in the starry sky.

Let's find our signs:

Vampires and donors

In addition, the horoscope Druids can calculate the trees of vampires and trees donors. This means that there are people who share their energy with the world, but there are those who absorb it. This division is by no means a division into "good" and "bad."

Vampires are aspen, poplar, alder, willow. Donors - oak, birch, cedar, pine, apple. These are strongly expressed representatives. The rest are mixed types. Vampire trees can be used for good purposes. For example, everyone has heard that only an aspen stake can kill a vampire, and everything made from aspen protects the house from evil spirits.

So, willow - soothes, aspen has analgesic properties, poplar relieves irritation. They are vampires, and therefore are able to absorb the harmful energy.

A cedar, for example, tones on the contrary.


The Druids worried the demographic question no less than our contemporaries. Therefore, the horoscope of the Druids was made for the compatibility of trees, as it were, family planning at that time.

Calculate your partner tree can be very simple - you read two trees from your sign and every third will be your potential ideal couple. Three back, three ahead, just do not take into account single signs (the days of solstices and equinoxes), as well as the ninth sign after you. With the ninth on the countdown sign you will have difficulties in the relationship, misunderstanding.

A pair can also take shape with a third sign if you are united by life circumstances.

As for single signs, those who were born, for example, on the day of the vernal equinox, need to look for a partner born in the autumn equinox and vice versa.


The Druids believed in the unity of man and nature, their worldview was aimed at creation, not destruction. Therefore, the horoscope of the Druids does not contain such a thing as trees enemies. There are people with whom you are easier, there are those with whom it is more difficult. Everyone needs to find the right approach. As for the signs of vampires and donors, everything is already said. If you have a vampire tree next to you, and you feel that you are being "pumped out" of energy, find a way to move away from such a person.