Violation of the vestibular apparatus

Treatment of disruption of the vestibular apparatus may be prolonged due to the fact that medicinal preparations are not always available in all cases. If you experience dizziness, nausea and lose balance in space, then in this case you need to determine whether the vestibular apparatus is guilty.

Neurotic disorders and vegetative-vascular dystonia may lead to the same symptoms. Neuroses are also accompanied by anxious states, inadequate response to events, and the VSD, in turn, is accompanied by meteosensitivity.

If there are no additional symptoms, then there is a high probability that the work of the vestibular apparatus is disrupted.

The causes of disturbance of the vestibular apparatus

The causes of disturbance of the vestibular apparatus can be both diseases and injuries:

Symptoms of vestibular apparatus disruption

When a vestibular apparatus is disturbed, a person experiences dizziness, which has a constant or periodic character. Wobbling, poor orientation in space also indicate this pathology. In more severe cases of organ failure, a person experiences nausea due to constant dizziness.

Treatment of violations of the vestibular apparatus by folk remedies

Treatment of the vestibular apparatus should respond to the cause of the disease: for example, in case of infection, antiseptic herbs (for example, chamomile) are shown. Limit only herbal treatment in this case is impossible.

With many diseases associated with disruption of the vestibular apparatus, traditional medicine has no special means. Patients are advised to carry out aromatherapy with needles - to rub a few drops into the area of ​​the temples. This remedy relaxes, and at the same time leads to feelings, increases concentration.

Also, to eliminate dizziness, tea from hawthorn - you need 1 cup to make 1 cup. raw materials and take a day for 0.5 cup.

Preparations for treatment of vestibular apparatus disorders

To stop an attack of vestibular vertigo, the following medicines are recommended: