Acute conjunctivitis

Acute conjunctivitis is one of the most common ophthalmic diseases. Very often it affects small patients. But adults can not escape from it. In the cold season sometimes even epidemics begin.

Causes of acute conjunctivitis

In most cases, the disease becomes a consequence of infection of the body with a bacterial, viral or fungal infection. The greatest danger is streptococci, gonococci, staphylococcus. Penetrating pathogens into the conjunctiva with dirty hands, during contact with water in a polluted pond, when using overdue or poor-quality cosmetics. Sometimes with infectious diseases - chickenpox, ARVI, measles - infection occurs through the blood.

Manifesting symptoms and needing treatment for acute conjunctivitis can also be due to:

Symptoms of acute conjunctivitis

As a rule, the acute form of conjunctivitis arises suddenly and it is very violent. Small intraocular vessels first greatly expand, and then burst, eyes turn red. Almost always patients suffer from lacrimation, itching, burning and souring of the eyelids. At many people at illness at the basis of eyelashes there are purulent discharges. In some cases, the main symptoms are added to the common cold, cough, fever.

Than to treat acute conjunctivitis?

An ophthalmologist should treat the disease. First of all, it is necessary to determine what caused the disease:

  1. Bacterial acute conjunctivitis can only be treated with antibiotics. Most effective apply funds for local use. But in the most difficult cases they are recommended to combine with tablets. The best remedies: Sodium sulfacil, Levomycetin, Oletetrine ointment.
  2. With the viral form of the disease, interferons or interferonenes perfectly work - Poludan, Pyrogenal.
  3. Well in the fight against fungal acute conjunctivitis, such drugs as Nystatin, Amphotericinum, Levorin proved to be effective.
  4. Before starting treatment for an allergic variant of the disease, you should identify and eliminate the allergen. Only after this antihistamines can be useful. They are used alone or in combination with corticosteroids .