Stone Bloodstone - Magic Properties

Bloodstone in the people is called hematite stone. Most often it is painted in black, although there are variants with a red tint. Among the people is also common yet another name - black pearl. Used jewelry and various amulets from this mineral back in ancient Egypt. Since the bloodstone is quite common, some try to fake it. To verify the authenticity, you can use a simple test: make a stone on faience or phosphorus. After him, there should be a strip of reddish color.

Magic properties of a bloodstone

Psychics and magicians use the mineral to draw various signs and magical circles, because they believe that it has a special energy. He allows them to communicate with them and with deceased people. The strength of the bloodstream helps a person recover and return to normal life after a serious illness, as well as after prolonged depressions. The magical properties of the blood are useful to indecisive people who often suffer from indecisiveness. Maybe a bloodstone is a talisman for a man who has a lot of competitors. The strength of the stone helps to strengthen the will and belief in oneself and do not pay attention to the envy of others.

For women, the properties of a bloodstone stone are the ability to move up the career ladder, and he also helps in training. Mineral to the fair sex allows you to moderate your ardor and more sensible to look at the surrounding people.

Healing properties of a bloodstone

Already from the name it is clear that the mineral has the most powerful effect on the circulatory system. With its help it is possible to improve the process of hematopoiesis and the composition of blood. It helps the bloodstream to stop bleeding. Traditional healers recommend Use the mineral in the presence of problems with the organs involved in the purification of blood. There is also information that the bloodstream is recommended for use in the presence of ulcers and tumors. Another area of ​​application of the mineral is the treatment of genitourinary diseases in men. Protects the stone from getting various injuries.

Bloodstone properties for zodiac signs

Astrologers argue that the stone serves as a guard against various astral attacks. With it, you can establish a connection with the Higher Powers. Perfectly suited to the blood of Cancer and Scorpio. It is recommended to use it for Aries, Lions and Sagittarius. Categorically contraindicated mineral to people born under the sign of Gemini, Pisces and Dev.