Strawberry "Honey"

Strawberries are a very useful, tasty and popular berry grapes. Everyone who has a garden or a dacha grows it even on a small bed. Now many new varieties have been hatched, which have high yields, large berries and an interesting taste.

In the article you will get acquainted with the strawberry variety "Honey", as well as learn the peculiarities of its cultivation.

Strawberry "Honey" - description of the variety

"Honey" (Honeoye) - this is a very early strawberry variety of American breeding. The bushes are dense, erect and strong, form a powerful root system. Leaves complex, consisting of 3 leaves on the cuttings, grow to a length of 23 cm. On each horn grows 11-13 leaves. This variety already in the middle of March begins vegetation.

Blossoms strawberries in early May for about 15 days. One bush produces up to 8 peduncles, on each of them 8 flowers are blooming. Fruits mature at the same time depending on the planting region, starting from May 15-25. When using greenhouses or agrofiber, you can get the first harvest 2 weeks earlier. Gather berries every 2-3 days, fruiting lasts 2 weeks. Sturdy peduncles well retained strawberries on weight until maturation.

The berries themselves are large and medium-sized, dark red in color, have a regular conical shape, weighing up to 30 g. The pulp is red, homogeneous with medium density, has a sweet and sour, rich taste and aroma. By the end of the fruiting, the strawberry melts, but gets a more pronounced taste.

Mustache in large quantities appear in mid-June.

Features of this variety are:

Yield in the strawberry "Honey" is very high: in the single-tape method planting up to 146 c / ha, and in the multi-tape method - 126 c / ha. An average of 400-500 grams per bush.

From the disadvantages of this variety, it can be noted that it:

Growing and caring for the honeysuckle

For landing, we select smooth and illuminated places. It is best developed on slightly acidic sandy loamy and loamy nutrient soils.

The plot is prepared in advance, better in the autumn, but no later than 30 days. Under the digging for 1 m2, such fertilizers are introduced:

We split the rows at a distance of 50-60 cm. We make holes at a depth of about 12 cm at a distance of 25-30 cm. When two-line planting between the stripes of plants, we leave 60 cm, and between the rows - 80 cm.

You need to plant in cloudy weather or in the evening. Good seedlings of strawberries should have a root collar about 8-9 mm. Crop the damaged leaves, and shorten the roots to the width of the palm and dip them into the chattle.

In the hole we fill a small hill of earth, we place a bush of strawberries on top and straighten the roots on it so that they do not bend upward. Falling asleep, we make sure that the apical bud of the plant is at a level with the ground. After planting, water well and mulch peat or humus. The first week should be watered every day, and then - once a week, and the heat - every 4-5 days.

Care for strawberry beds is reduced to such activities:

Due to its very early maturation, high transportability, taste and attractive appearance, the strawberry variety "Honei" is very popular with summer residents and farmers.