Gymnastics for the abdomen

Everyone has his own reasons for losing weight and everyone has an excuse to not lose weight. In any case, the most "popular" zone for weight loss is the stomach, and the most common excuses are "thick bone", heredity and the birth of a child. Today we will talk about different types of gymnastics for the stomach, and everyone will be able to pick up something that will cope not only with excess fat, but also "put on the shoulder blades" any reservations.


Recently, breathing exercises for the abdomen are experiencing a rebirth. Except for yogis, never breathing exercises were as popular as now, when it is losing weight with it. This gymnastics for the abdomen is very effective due to the activation of all intra-abdominal processes, the so-called "massage" of internal organs and oxygen saturation.

Gymnastics after childbirth

In most women after birth, it is the stomach that suffers (everything is logical). This applies even to those who before pregnancy could boast of irreproachable parameters. All excess weight concentrates on the lower abdomen. Some are able to put up with it (which we do not recommend doing), while others take "bull by the horns". Efficacy of postpartum gymnastics for the abdomen can be observed only if the regularity of classes.

Gymnastics at home

Given that after the birth of a child, almost no one has time to visit the fitness centers, and also the fact that many of us do not have a schedule to go after work, we will present to you a complex of gymnastics for the abdomen and thighs , which you can easily perform at home.

  1. Hands in front of the chest, do the usual turns with the body, while concentrating on the tension of the press during the turn - 30 repetitions.
  2. We get on all fours, elbows rest on the floor, we pull the belly into account eight, we do 20 times and repeat the exercise in the position of "lying down" on the elbows.
  3. From the previous exercise we leave, dropping our knees and stretching like a cat. After this, we make one more approach of the previous exercise.
  4. We lay down on the floor, knees bent, hands behind the head. We make short ascents, tearing off the head and the shoulder blades from the floor - 2 sets of 15 times.
  5. FE - the same, legs in the knees raise, cross, arms straight on the floor. We tighten the legs in the chest, tearing off the buttocks from the floor - 30 repetitions.
  6. IP - as in the previous one. We put one hand behind the head, the second straight. Straight hand on exhalation, we reach the heel of the corresponding leg. We do 20 repetitions for both hands.