Streptoderma in children - treatment, drugs

Streptodermia is a contagious disease that often occurs in children. It is caused by streptococci, which follows from the name. As a rule, under this diagnosis, understand a whole group of disorders having the same symptoms: impetigo , simple facial strangulation, streptococcal congestion. The process of treatment of this disease is quite lengthy and provides mother a lot of trouble.

How is streptoderma treated?

Due to the fact that the incubation period of the disease is 7 days, moms do not immediately find out about the presence of the baby's violation. It all starts with a slight rise in body temperature, an increase in lymph nodes. At the same time, the skin becomes sharply dry, and small pink spots appear on them, in the place of which pustules are formed after a while. They are localized mainly on the face, arms and legs.

How is the disease treated?

Treatment of streptodermia in children involves the use of local antibacterial drugs. In their quality are often special ointments, which are appointed by the doctor. In some cases this is enough to cope with the manifestations of this disease.

Ointment from streptodermia for children is prescribed exclusively by a doctor and is used according to his instructions. Most often with this disease apply Gentamicin ointment, Levomekol , Synthomycin ointment. They are used as bandages, which are imposed on children at night. If the disease affects the face, then Levomecol ointment when treating streptodermia in children is applied, with the help of cotton wool, without rubbing. In order to avoid the transition of the disease to a chronic form, antibiotics are prescribed in children with streptoderma. Also, they are resorted to in cases where the disease is detected very late. In this case, penicillin drugs with antistreptococcal and antistaphylococcal activity are used. For children, a suspension of Augmentin is prescribed.

In order to improve the condition of the child and relieve the pain, doctors recommend using cold and warmth. Under the influence of low temperature, the activity of the pathogen decreases sharply. Heat, in turn, helps to accelerate the process of metabolism, which leads to maturation and opening of the formed bubbles.

Thus, to cure streptodermia in a child, before you start the therapeutic process, you need to see a doctor. There is no single medicine for streptoderma in children, therefore, when compiling a treatment regimen, the doctor must take into account the peculiarities of the organism and the stage of the disease.