Sandalwood oil - application

Aromatic sandalwood oil was used thousands of years ago by many Asian healers for medicinal purposes and as an incense for various religious ceremonies. Today, as in antiquity, sandalwood oil is most common in India, where it is used to perform church rites, treat various diseases, and also effectively care for the skin and hair.

Sandalwood application options

Sandalwood oil, the use of which is very diverse, is just perfect for massage, as it has an excellent moisturizing effect, soothes the nervous system and effectively relaxes all muscles. As a basis for massage, it is best to use almond oil or jojoba oil, adding 3-4 drops of sandalwood for every 10 ml of fatty base oil. If you need additional moisturizing of the skin and improving its tone, you should add a few drops of rose or jasmine oil to this massage mixture.

In Ayurvedic medicine, the treatment with sandalwood oil is used to get rid of all sorts of viral respiratory diseases, bronchitis, tonsillitis, asthma and associated high temperatures of the body and headaches. With all these problems, you can apply sandalwood oil in the form of inhalations in an amount of 3-4 drops or add to the aromalamp from 5 to 7 drops. Also very effective are rubbing the chest with the addition of sandalwood oil and applying 1-2 drops of oil on the temples and the back of the neck to reduce the headache.

Sandalwood oil for the face

Indian beauties in the daily ritual of self-care necessarily use sandalwood oil, which allows their skin to literally shine with health. This effect is achieved due to the unique ability of sandalwood oil to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and, thus, have a very effective effect on it compared to many other essential oils.

To get rid of dry skin of the face or rough and windy skin of hands, the use of sandalwood oil involves adding a few drops to the usual cream or basic fatty oil and then applying it with light patting movements in a fairly thick layer, and after 10-15 minutes, gently wiping with a napkin. Masks with sandalwood oil to get rid of dry skin can also be done on the basis of cream, fatty sour cream, banana pulp, pumpkin and other natural ingredients. Oily skin will also rejoice with sandalwood oil, as it has a slight toning effect, makes the complexion smooth, and the skin - more elastic and matte.

Sandalwood oil in cosmetology is used as a light whitening agent due to its ability to gently and non-traumatically exfoliate the top layer of the skin. This same property of sandalwood oil allows it to easily cope with shallow wrinkles, reducing their depth, and also improve the overall skin turgor, achieving the effect of rejuvenation.

Sandalwood oil for hair

To facilitate the process of combing thin and porous hair, prone to dryness, you can use the composition of masks sandalwood oil, the use of which allows you not only to moisturize dry hair, but also to give them a dazzling shine. Indian girls, known for their luxurious hair, each time after washing their hair add 2-3 drops of sandalwood oil to the balm. More sandalwood oil should not be added, because the hair after drying can look fat.

You can also use this kind of oil to perform the aromatherapy procedure, simply applying a couple drops on a flat comb and passing it through the hair for 5-7 minutes.

Sandalwood oil very rarely causes allergic reactions, but for a warm season it can be too "heavy" due to its rich, rich flavor.