Mushroom soup of fresh mushrooms - recipes for delicious and very fragrant first courses

Every home cook can cook tasty mushroom soup with fresh mushrooms, the recipe is available to everyone and does not differ in complexity. A variety of options will transform the boring menu and allow to nourish a large family with an original dish.

How to cook mushroom soup?

Boil soup of fresh mushrooms can be from available mushrooms or oyster mushrooms, but from forest mushrooms the treat will come out more fragrant and tastier, therefore after successful "quiet hunting" it is necessary to cook soup for any interesting recipe.

  1. If you prepare mushroom soup from forest mushrooms, they need to be prepared beforehand: clean, rinse well and be sure to boil.
  2. Mushrooms and oyster mushrooms bought in the store (artificially grown) do not need to be cooked, simply cleaned of existing contaminants.
  3. To reveal the maximum mushroom flavor in the dish, before you put it in the soup, you can fry them with onion and butter.
  4. The broth for a basis converges any: meat, vegetable. If you plan to use a mushroom broth, cook the forest mushrooms should be changed twice by water.

Mushroom soup with white mushrooms

Soup of fresh white mushrooms is considered the most delicious. Boroviki give a maximum of forest aroma, and their dense pulp completely compensates for the absence of meat ingredients in the dish. To weld it simply: mushrooms need to be cleaned in advance, carefully washed, cut large and boil for 20 minutes, taking off, abundantly rising foam.



  1. Welded boletars cut not finely, put in a frying pan.
  2. Fry 10 minutes, add onion and butter, salt. Think for another 15 minutes.
  3. Boil the broth, throw the potato cubes.
  4. Cook until soft pieces, add mushroom fry, reduce heat, simmer under the lid for 10 minutes.
  5. Delicious mushroom soup salt, season with herbs, serve after 10 minutes.

Mushroom cream soup with champignons and cream

Mushroom soup, brewed from fresh mushrooms - a recipe that can be modified, following your own taste. Soup puree boiled on the basis of potatoes, whipped with a blender, after the cream is added. Many people like to feel pieces of champignons, because they can be added at the very end, previously fried with onions.



  1. Sparce in a saucepan bow, introduce champignons, cut into plates, burn until ready.
  2. In the broth, boil the potatoes, beat with a blender.
  3. Put the cream on the stove, with a thin trickle, stirring.
  4. Bring to a boil, add the frying from the mushrooms, boil for 3-5 minutes.
  5. Serve creamy mushroom soup, sprinkled with herbs and croutons.

Mushroom soup with cheese

Mushroom soup of champignons with melted cheese is prepared quickly, simply, without any frills. The result is a dish with a creamy texture and a pleasant taste. It is important not to skimp on buying cheese, it is better to go its way not a lot, but it should be of good quality. In order to make the consistency of the soup homogeneous, the cheese is pre-dissolved in a hot broth.



  1. Mushrooms cut large, fry with onions until cooked.
  2. Grate cheese, pour a glass of hot water, stir.
  3. In a boiling broth throw potato cubes, cook until soft pieces.
  4. Introduce mushrooms, salt, pour in a cheese mixture.
  5. To stir, to throw greens, before serving insist soup 15-20 minutes.

Mushroom soup with chicken

Delicious and hearty mushroom soup is obtained on chicken broth with pieces of meat, a more appetizing dish will come out of poultry. You can diversify the composition with all sorts of vegetables, you can do with onion and carrots, or supplement with a frozen multicomponent mixture, the taste of this will be multifaceted and bright.



  1. Mushrooms fry until done.
  2. Separately, save onions, carrots, insert pepper strips and chopped tomato.
  3. In boiling broth throw potato cubes, boil, add mushrooms.
  4. At the end, enter the vegetable frying pan, salt and pepper.
  5. Turn off the fire, tamper with greens, serve after 20 minutes.

Mushroom soup with meatballs

Extremely delicious is a mushroom soup of fresh mushrooms, the recipe of which includes meat ingredients. The dish is cooked simply, and the result is to impress and fastidious eater. A special flavor will be introduced by forest mushrooms, ideally chanterelles or honey-mushrooms, but, for want of such, champignons will also fit.



  1. Chanterelles must be cleaned, boiled for 15 minutes, filtered.
  2. In a frying pan, save the onions, add mushrooms, followed by carrots. Fry until done.
  3. In the boiling broth to enter the meat balls, cook, removing the foam, until ready.
  4. Throw the chopped potatoes, as ready to add the frying.
  5. Salt and season with pepper and laurel.
  6. Serve the mushroom soup with fresh mushrooms after 20 minutes, pritraviv greens.

Mushroom soup with pearl barley

Delicious and nourishing mushroom soup made of spruces with the addition of pearl barley prepares a little longer. Croup can be cooked in advance and add at the end of cooking dishes, so the grain will just boil. Small honey agarics do not require cleaning, but they must be rinsed, cut off worm spots and boil for 10 minutes.



  1. Boil the pearl bar until cooked.
  2. Welded honey agar plates, rinse.
  3. In the boiling broth to enter potatoes and mushrooms, cook until ready, enter the pearl barley.
  4. Sparce onions and carrots, pour into the soup.
  5. Salt and season with pepper, dried dill and laurel.

Mushroom soup with vermicelli

Hearty and insanely delicious is mushroom soup with noodles , cooked on chicken broth with the addition of a variety of vegetables. Vegetable ingredients are chosen intuitively, preferably using tomatoes, sweet peppers and cauliflower, they will make the taste unusual. Mushrooms fit any: forest or grown artificially.



  1. Sparce the onion, add the chopped mushrooms, fry until the liquid evaporates, set aside, add.
  2. Separately, pour carrots, pepper and tomato slices in a frying pan.
  3. In the boiling broth, put the potatoes, bring to half-ready, add the inflorescence of cabbage.
  4. In the soup to throw mushrooms and noodles, on readiness to enter the frying.
  5. Season with salt and season with greens and greens.

Mushroom soup with beans

Make a nutritious and nutritious lean mushroom soup will help the addition of beans, peas and some vegetables. It is best to use large forest fowl, they will do fine with the replacement of meat ingredients. The dish will turn out thick, rich and insanely delicious and cooked in just one hour, taking into account the preparation of mushrooms.



  1. Mushrooms cut, boil, strain, rinse.
  2. On vegetable oil, save onions and carrots, add mushrooms, fry until cooked.
  3. In the broth cook the beans until soft, add the potatoes.
  4. Introduce mushroom fry, peas.
  5. Season with salt, greens and laurel.

Mushroom Soup in the Multivariate

The simplest mushroom soup is brewed in a multivariate , so that the dish comes out with a pronounced mushroom flavor, you can pre-mix the champignons with onions in butter, add the rest of the ingredients and cook in the appropriate program. The meal will be ready in an hour, taking into account the preparation of the components.



  1. Onions are saved in the bowl on the "Zharka", add the mushrooms, fry until the liquid evaporates.
  2. Introduce the potatoes, add salt, pour in the broth.
  3. In the soup mode, cook for 40 minutes.
  4. Throw dill, greens, leave on "Keeping heat" for 15 minutes.